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Introducing Vocal Classroom

A group for asking and answering questions.

By Natasja RosePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Introducing Vocal Classroom
Photo by Shubham Sharan on Unsplash

Vocal Facebook groups are a great resource.

Some focus on self-promotion, a place to post your stories. Great Incantations is a group specifically for Vocal Challenge pieces. Some groups are a place to connect with other writers, or just hang out and talk.

So far, though, I haven't seen any groups specifically for pooling knowledge.

I know a fair bit about writing as an Indie publisher, about running bookstalls for profit, and the ins and outs of Kindle publishing. I know something about politics and the Healthcare industry. When it comes to, say, Vetinary science or parenting or army ranks and procedures, and google can't give me the specifics? Well, I have to hope that at least one of my friends who works with animals, has kids or did time in the armed forces is awake and able to give me the answers I need.

There are several Facebook groups where you can ask questions, but none (that I know of so far) specifically for answering them.

As a writer, I've found that one of my greatest assets is the forums where, if I'm struggling to find resources or a way to resolve a plot hole, I can type out a few sentences and get a bunch of people's input within the hour.

I want that for Vocal, too. Somewhere you can get feedback before you publish, and ask people with lived experience about the things you're uncertain of.

So, I created Vocal Classroom.

By Chang Duong on Unsplash

As the name implies, it's a place to learn from and about your fellow Vocal Creators.

If you have a question and don't know the answer, this is the place to ask. Want to know specific details about a place you've never been (and probably won't until COVID-19 travel disruptions cease)? A sport you've never played, but need to know about for story or article purposes? Politics in a foreign country that isn't skewed by sensationalist media? Your fellow members are your new Research Resource.

Want to know more about eventually publishing your work, whether through a Traditional publishing house or as an Independant Author? Want to brainstorm ideas to increase your visibility and promotional reach? Hit us up!

Sharing links to your stories will be allowed in comment threads, IF they relate to the question asked in the post.

If, for example, someone is looking for information on, say, gun ownership across various countries, you may link an article you wrote about the Port Arthur Massacre and it's aftermath, or recent legislation in the USA, or how gun control works in countries like the UK, South America, Europe, etc.

You may not link, for example, a fictional story where someone used a gun, or a poem about grief in the wake of a school shooting. That's not what the Original Poster was asking.

If someone asks about making their characters more diverse, but has little life experience, feel free to add your articles on living with a chronic condition or disability, experiences with racism, how to create a non-stereotypical background for a character, and whatever else may help.

Link-bombing (where you add a story link without explaining how it is relevant) is not permitted, nor are link solo posts.

I'm not going to insta-ban for a first offense, and there will be escalating warnings. I want this to be an accessible group, but that only works if people don't abuse the system.

So, come join ask, and start asking and answering questions!

As writers and creators, we are stronger when we build each other up and work together.

If you liked this story, leave a heart or a tip, and follow me on Vocal and Medium!

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About the Creator

Natasja Rose

I've been writing since I learned how, but those have been lost and will never see daylight (I hope).

I'm an Indie Author, with 30+ books published.

I live in Sydney, Australia

Follow me on Facebook or Medium if you like my work!

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  • Brenda Bertucci8 months ago

    I just came across this by accident, which I don't believe it was that, because I don't believe things just are by accident, but for a reason. I have had songs, poetry, and stories galore swimming around my head since high school or younger. My trouble is getting them to paper the same way I see or hear within me. I have saved many writings from yrs ago to recent that need guidance to become more. Do you have any advice on that? Are there classes to take to improve writing and get my voice heard?

  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    This group on Facebook is very unique . I am glad you created it 💗

  • Ali Howarth2 years ago

    What a great idea, thanks. <3 'd

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