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IBM's Eagle quantum computer

Quantum computing

By Richard AbolarinwaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Eagle Quantum Computer at IBM


The realm of quantum computing has long been heralded as the future of computing, promising unparalleled capabilities and the power to solve complex problems at an unprecedented speed. In a groundbreaking development, IBM's state-of-the-art quantum computer, named Eagle, recently achieved a significant milestone by outperforming a traditional supercomputer in solving complex mathematical challenges. This triumph signifies a major leap forward in the advancement of quantum computing and illustrates its potential to revolutionize various fields of science, technology, and industry. This article unveils the remarkable achievement of Eagle's victory over a supercomputer and explores the implications of this breakthrough.

Quantum Computing: A New Frontier:

Traditional computers operate using bits, which are either 0 or 1, forming binary code. In contrast, quantum computers utilize qubits, which can exist in a superposition of both 0 and 1 states simultaneously, thanks to the principles of quantum mechanics. This unique property of qubits allows quantum computers to perform powerful calculations that vastly exceed the capabilities of classical computers.

IBM's Eagle quantum computer takes this revolutionary technology further, harnessing the power of 127 quantum bits, or qubits. This immense computational power enables Eagle to process data at an unprecedented scale and tackle complex problems that were considered computationally infeasible before.

The Quantum vs. Supercomputing Battle:

In a recent groundbreaking experiment, IBM pitted their cutting-edge Eagle quantum computer against a supercomputer, known for its exceptional computing prowess. The objective was to solve a complex mathematical problem that required substantial computational resources and time to complete.

The challenge involved factoring a large number into its prime factors, a problem that lies at the heart of encryption algorithms. While traditional supercomputers require extensive computational resources and time to achieve such a feat, IBM's Eagle quantum computer demonstrated its superiority by instantly and accurately solving the task.

Implications for Science and Industry:

1. Cryptography and Secure Communication: The ability of the Eagle quantum computer to quickly factorize large numbers carries significant implications for cryptography. Current encryption methods rely heavily on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, ensuring data security. The ability to quickly crack encryption algorithms could potentially disrupt the entire landscape of cybersecurity, necessitating the development of new and more robust encryption techniques resistant to quantum computing attacks.

2. Drug Discovery and Material Design: Quantum computers have immense potential to expedite the discovery of new drugs and materials. Their ability to analyze vast amounts of data and simulate complex molecular interactions holds promise for accelerating drug discovery processes and designing novel materials with specific properties. Eagle's superior computational power pushes this research forward, helping scientists navigate complex chemical spaces and find breakthrough solutions efficiently.

3. Optimization and Logistics: Many real-world optimization problems, such as supply chain management, airline scheduling, and network optimization, require sorting through an enormous number of possibilities to find the most efficient solution. Quantum computers excel in solving such combinatorial optimization problems, offering a speed and efficiency that surpasses classical computing. This capability could revolutionize logistics, transportation, and other industries reliant on optimizing complex systems.

4. Simulating Quantum Systems: Quantum computers, including Eagle, possess the unique ability to simulate and study quantum systems accurately. This feature has significant implications for areas such as quantum physics, quantum chemistry, and quantum materials study. As the realm of quantum science evolves, these simulations can unlock profound insights into understanding fundamental principles and phenomena of quantum mechanics.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

While IBM's Eagle quantum computer's victory over a supercomputer is undoubtedly an extraordinary accomplishment, it is important to acknowledge the challenges and ongoing research that lies ahead.

1. Quantum Error Correction: Quantum computers are prone to errors due to their interaction with the environment. Developing robust quantum error correction and fault-tolerant techniques will be crucial for sustaining computation accuracy and reliability.

2. Scalability and Practical Applications: Quantum computers like Eagle currently face limitations in scaling up their qubit counts while maintaining coherency. Overcoming these challenges will enable their widespread use in practical applications across various sectors.


IBM's Eagle quantum computer's remarkable achievement in outperforming a supercomputer in solving complex mathematical challenges heralds a new era in computing technology. The immense computational power and speed exhibited by Eagle illustrate the potential for quantum computing to revolutionize cryptography, drug discovery, optimization, and the study of quantum systems. As researchers and technologists continue to overcome challenges such as error correction and scalability, the impact of quantum computing will likely reshape industries, push scientific boundaries, and unravel new frontiers of knowledge with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy.

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About the Creator

Richard Abolarinwa

As an Electrical engineer, I am passionate about finding creative solutions to complex problems. my interests extend beyond just electrical systems. I'm also a passionate writer with a love for health, technology, science, and engineering.

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  • christian diorabout a year ago


  • falz peterabout a year ago

    Fantastic Article

  • Richard chrisabout a year ago

    The use of visuals in this article provides additional clarity

  • james johnabout a year ago

    great jo discussing this article

  • phillip benabout a year ago


  • johnson deiabout a year ago

    Great insight

  • john bassyabout a year ago

    Great work

  • Abolarinwa Queenabout a year ago

    Nice work

Richard AbolarinwaWritten by Richard Abolarinwa

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