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How WhatsApp Chatbots Can Help Your Business

WhatsApp Chatbots

By tanla karixPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Why WhatsApp?

Most people now use WhatsApp as their primary communication medium. We’ve reached the point where we send 29 million messages each minute. That equates to approximately 65 billion every day.

This indicates that people are now more at ease with WhatsApp than with any other platform. So, rather than requiring people to download your app, it makes far more sense for them to be able to connect with you via WhatsApp. In essence, engaging your clients via WhatsApp allows you to improve the customer experience.

Interacting with them on WhatsApp has another advantage. The levels of involvement are at an all-time high. While emails struggle to achieve a 15% open rate, WhatsApp messages have a 70% engagement rate.

What are the benefits of the WhatsApp Chatbot?

WhatsApp business chatbots enable firms to reach a broader audience and provide a platform for better customer care. As a result, it assists firms in building connections with customers and converting them into loyalists.

The following are some of the ways WhatsApp business chatbots can benefit various stakeholders:

Business Owners

WhatsApp Business is available to all businesses, regardless of size or turnover. It enables businesses to connect with, interact with, and keep customers through ongoing communication.

Chatbots enable organizations to carry out critical communication while also making themselves available to customers at their fingertips. It is now easier for business owners to reply to inquiries and answer client questions without requiring them to switch or download the app. WhatsApp bots can also provide outbound notifications and broadcasts to clients. Businesses can send notifications to customers concerning order delivery, shipments, payments, and so on without the use of a separate system.


WhatsApp chatbots can be an efficient way for a business to produce and interact with more leads. Marketers can provide customized messaging, offers, and appealing discounts to frequent users and potential prospects, resulting in increased sales. WhatsApp chatbots can handle monotonous tasks for marketers, freeing them up to focus on more important tasks. Businesses can employ a variety of formatting and multimedia options, which allows the marketing staff to be more creative with their talents. They can also construct numerous broadcast lists to carry out marketing campaigns and offer promotions to customers at the same time.


Connecting with brands via WhatsApp chatbots can provide clients with numerous benefits. Customers can initiate dialogues with businesses and receive immediate responses to their questions. Customers may have two-way communication with businesses when they receive rapid responses, which helps them create trust and loyalty to the company. Customers who are already familiar with the design and layout of WhatsApp may easily converse with the brand without learning or downloading a new program.

What exactly is WhatsApp Business API?

The WhatsApp API was created to assist medium- to large-scale businesses who wished to utilize WhatsApp to communicate with many clients and engage them. Businesses can use the WhatsApp Business API to automate communications, automate responses, and send interactive messages.

The major goal of the WhatsApp Business API is to engage clients without requiring them to download a new app. It enables businesses to develop a tailored communication flow that works best for their clients and respond to their inquiries immediately.

What are the features of the WhatsApp business app?

Quick Replies

Businesses can automate responses to consumer inquiries and save templates, brief texts, and auto-responses.

Dedicated WhatsApp Business App

WhatsApp Business App includes additional features such as the ability to create a store and add catalogs and WhatsApp business account labels to the account.

Conversation labels

Brands can separate and identify individual threads or many contacts at the same time.

Set away messages.

When there is no representative available from the company’s front, away messages are sent to the consumer.

Dedicated business profile and hours

Businesses can determine the hours for their online business and educate customers about them.

For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/chatbot-solutions/


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