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How To Sell Feet Pics as a Teenager?

Can you, as a teenager sell feet pics and make money? Can you sell Feet Pics as a Teenager?

By APublished 11 months ago 5 min read
How To Sell Feet Pics as a Teenager?
Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash

Are you amazed looking at adults who are making big money as foot pics sellers? Well, if you wish to sell your feet pics in your teens, then you should give this article a good read. The blog includes ways you can legally make money by selling feet pics as a teenager.

Let's dig into some boundaries you should be taking care of in this industry.

What are some limitations for selling feet pics as a teenager?

Considering the fact that selling feet pics is only legal if you are 18 or older. However, there are few platforms that allow teenagers to sell their feet pics.

These platforms provide you with a medium to start your journey as a foot pics seller in your teens. Many students have become capable to manage their expenses at such early ages by selling their feet pics.

With that being said there are some risks associated with this work. So, make sure you know these limitations to avoid bad events.

  1. You can't legally sell fetishistic content unless you are 18.
  2. You can't sell feet pics in Asian countries.
  3. You are not allowed to sell feet pics without your parent's concern and supervision.

What are some legal ways to sell feet pics as a teenager?

Don't worry I know you feel attacked to see such limitations. But anyway they are to protect you from a bad trip. Also, you may not be able to make as much as an adult foot pic seller due to two reasons;

  • There are more platforms with an 18+ plus policy as compared to platforms with a 13+ policy. It increases the chance to produce more sales.
  • Adults can sell their feet pics for feet fetish. Many clients are interested in your pics for their personal use. They use these pictures for sexual gratification and pay willingly for them.

So, here I have gathered some ways for you to achieve something rather than nothing.

Sell Feet Pics on FeetFinder:

You can sell Feet Pics on FeetFinder and make money in different ways, such as you can make money through selling your feet albums. A feet album could be sold unlimited times and is a one-time product. You can also make money by getting paying subscribers.

If you get any paying subscribers, if you have paying subscribers, you have to make sure to produce content regularly to entertain them so they don't unsubscribe.

FeetFinder also provides you a Tipping feature so you can get more Tips from your superfans as well as a custom order and get paid as a Tip. Join FeetFinder here to sell Feet Pics.

Join the websites that allow teenagers to sell feet pics.

Kick-start your journey at an early age by joining platforms with a 13+ policy. It will help you make portfolios, learn tactics to land more buyers, and get you the exposure you already need when you are 18.

You can also opt for just sharing your feet pics and not selling them until you are 18. So, when the time arrives, you are already known on a few websites. This is another way of starting your career in this industry.

However, it requires patience to legally join top feet pics selling websites with an 18+ policy.

Ask some adult to help you sell your feet pics

Tell your parents or any adult about your interest and make them aware of the perks of selling feet pics as an adult. Convince them that you want them to help sell your feet pics. Ask them to register on sites and sell your feet pics. You might even have to pay for it.

Can I sell my feet pics privately?

The answer is you can but you shouldn't. Still, if you manage to sell your feet pics privately in your teens, here are some risks involved in it.

  • You might be approached by foot fetishists.
  • You can be easily scammed. No third-party authorization.
  • The payment method is not verified.
  • Content Theft

Where can I sell my feet pics if I am in the age group from 13 to 17?

Almost all the websites that fall under this category verify the consent of your parents or guardians upon registering.

List and Sell Feet Pics on eBay

It's time you need to realize you cannot step into this alone as a teenager. eBay isn't the website you can use as a teenager. However, you can ask your parents to help make your sales.

You might even get the chance to make your money in the fetish industry unless it's not too much that feels awkward between you and your parent.

You can implement this technique on other platforms as well, such as; Feetfinder, Instafeet, Instagram, Foap, etc.

Using Etsy to sell your feet pics:

Etsy will charge you for listings, and you will earn under the no subscription policy. You can join this platform if you are 13+. This might make it difficult for you to get fast sales, and sometimes it takes a month to get the first sale.

Having said that I would encourage you to list your feet pictures without compromising the consistency and quality. Keep the rates low and affordable so that buyers are willing to buy them. There is still a ratio of buyers looking to buy feet pictures at cheap rates.

P.S; How to sell feet pics as a teenager?

Yes, you can sell your feet pictures if you are 13+ but you have only a few platforms to make your sales. Secondly, you will not be able to sell feet pictures for feet fetish which is the biggest downside of being so young and wanting to sell feet pics.

However, it's recommended that you can build your portfolio and share your feet pics on your store but don't sell them until you are 18. I agree that these laws protect sellers from different scams. But, you can at least try making money in the commercial sector by selling your feet pics.

Read more related articles:

How to sell feet pics on Onlyfans and make $100 a day?

What Are Pros And Cons of Selling Feet Pics?

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About the Creator


I write my heart out here. My posts are informational and something I do great research for SEO before writing it. Follow me on Twitter: Aamir Twitter,

Sell Feet Pics on FeetFinder here.

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