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How to make money online from home +20 ideas

So be patient and let's see how to make money online.

By Ingerul PierdutPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
How to make money online from home +20 ideas
Photo by Ankitha V Rao on Unsplash

Nowadays, more and more people have realized that money has moved online. So, if you are wondering how to make money online from home, find out that it has never been easier. It is enough to have a few hours to dedicate daily to your activity. However, all you need to know is that nothing happens overnight. In order to get results you have to dedicate yourself to your project. Any business, whether physical or online, only begins to bear fruit once it is up and running .

1. Build a personal brand

If you want to make a lot of money online, then find out that fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how extroverted you are) you can be the object of monetization. Be an influencer and see how to make money on the internet easily and effortlessly, including children who have not yet reached the age of majority.

All you have to do is be as visible as possible online: on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. The bigger your community, the more you earn!

2. Open a Youtube channel

More and more people are winning today on Youtube. The good news is that you don't have to invest too much to be successful. This channel is very popular among young people and children. So if you can make materials for them, you can quickly monetize them.

The most popular Youtube channels are those of gamers. If you're not a gamer, you might like to do slime or ASMR. On socialblade.com you can check exactly which are the highest paid domains.

3. Dropshipping

Although dropshipping (at least in terms of term) is not so well known in Romania, it is a very good way to make quick money online, without much effort. According to Google Trends, the popularity of this business is growing every day.

But what is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a business model in which you promote a product and "clap" with the customer, but do not stress about stockpiling or even delivery. The supplier is the one who stores, packs and delivers the product on your behalf. You can use amazon, ebay, wish, aliexpress (as external platforms) and even olx, lajumate and other internal platforms. Oberlo is again a good option.

The best way to do dropshipping is through advertising on Facebook, or through influencers. The latter can send direct messages to potential customers on social media.

4. Affiliate Marketing

Speaking of dropshipping, find out that affiliate marketing is very close in principle. The difference is that you include organically (or not) in your blog or on any frequently used social media channel, an affiliate link to a product of an affiliate customer. There are platforms like profitshare or 2performant that help you a lot in this regard. There you will also learn how to make money online by promoting the products of others.

The more you get involved and have a bigger and more active community, the better your chances of winning!

5. Take an online course

If you have knowledge in a field and want to offer value, then you need to take a course that you can sell online. It is much easier for your clients to set their own schedule (time and space) in which to learn. The Internet gives us such great mobility!

And don't think that it's mandatory to invest in a particular platform. You can easily use the sites that host such courses and are willing to give you a good percentage of the revenue.

Your only concern is to deliver the most valuable content for the student!

6. Make a blog!

If you have a blog, you automatically have a lot of monetization tools at hand: from becoming a personal brand to affiliate marketing.

Of course you don't have to expect results overnight. And in the case of a blog, you need to think carefully before choosing your niche. Moreover, you need a community, and for that you need to be able to do a little quality online marketing.

The most common ways to make money online through blogging are:

- Affiliate marketing

- Blogger contests

- Blogging for niche freelancing

- Selling e-books

- Selling courses online

- Coaching and consulting activities


- Paid membership plans

- Sponsored reviews

- Donations

7. Freelancing

If you know how to do something that would be useful to others, then you can offer "microbubbles" online. In fact, what you do by freelancing is to sell your services directly to the interested entity, without being employed anymore. The most popular jobs are content / copywriting, interior design, online graphics, coding, material editing, and more.

There are many sites for every freelancing industry. For example, if you want to earn from writing or web graphics, you can use platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer or Upwork.

To earn money online as a freelancer you need to start by building a strong portfolio. This can often mean offering free services to certain reputable companies.

Once you form this portfolio you can start contacting older clients to increase your revenue.

8. Online translations

You do not need to be a certified translator to do this. What you will need, however, is to know at least one advanced language at an advanced level. The less popular it is, the better. Mandarin, Japanese and Swedish are some examples of languages ​​that can bring you substantial income if you know them.

You cannot use tools like google translate for this job because you will lose customers quickly. What you can do, though, is use applications to improve your knowledge.

9. Sell things online

If you need quick money, then you can do a good job of emptying your house a little. You'd be surprised how many people could need your stuff.

You can use well-known platforms, such as olx or lajumate, or you can even use the tools provided by Facebook (marketplace).

What's more, Facebook's sales groups have become more and more popular! Just make sure you take some photos that are as successful as possible and that you don't post anything bad or that you present a false description.

10. Sell photos or videos online

Everyone has a high-performance camera (at least on the phone). Of course, if you have a DSLR, this business idea is even more suitable for you.

However, you don't need too much to make money online with photos and videos. Most of all, you should enjoy photographing various things and have minimal editing skills. You can then upload them to certain platforms, such as iStockPhoto.

The more interesting the photos, the better!

11. Develop an application

If you are not an IT specialist then you probably feel the need to skip this point. Nothing worse! Find out that today there are a lot of independent platforms that teach you step by step how to make an application, without the need for who knows what coding skills.

When it comes to making money with your app, it's best to add it to the App Store and Google Play. You can start with a free application, for a start, until you learn how to develop it further. Then you can add certain paid options, after you have seen exactly what volume of people it attracts.

12. Trade online

More and more people are investing online. If you feel that you have a good intuition and you like to follow trends and figures, then this may be the best option for you.

However, if you want fast results and you tend to be impulsive, then maybe you should focus on something else because if you throw your head forward without documenting yourself well in advance, then you risk losing not only time but and money.

When making online transactions, it is good to be patient and to carefully analyze the performance of various markets.

13. Make money online from surveys

Although they don't necessarily earn much, there are people who enjoy the money from the polls.

There are many applications and online platforms that offer money to complete opinion polls. The most popular questions are about consumption and shopping habits. Generally from here you can get about 100$ / month and some discount vouchers.

However, since you do not invest more than a few minutes, you can get your coffee money!

14. Sell domains and sites online

If we were talking about trading, here's another, more unconventional trading idea. If you have SEO knowledge and good intuition, you can be very successful in selling domains and sites online. This technique can bring you thousands of euros a month.

What you have to do is buy domains online that would have a good chance of being bought at some point, in terms of name. Large companies are willing to pay a lot for an area they especially want.

There are also portals on which you can sell such sites and domains. An example is Sedo.com

15. Test products and perform tasks

Another effective way to make money online is through user testing platforms. Example: usertesting.com

These platforms pay you to check out various sites and express your opinion on ease of operation. You also get various things to look out for when you visit their sites.

You don't make much money from this activity, but you don't have to have any skills either.

16. Sell on Pinterest

Few people know that you can make money from Pinterest. Most people use this app to find interesting photos and get inspired. However, Pinterest is a huge e-commerce site.

How do you make money online from Pinterest? Simple: testing products that you later present there, associating a link. It's also a kind of affiliate marketing, but with a very high success rate!

17. Sell greeting cards online

If you have the ability to choose the perfect greeting cards for various occasions, then you may be able to make good money online from greeting cards.

When choosing to do this, it is best to focus on a particular market segment that is of interest for such marketing products. For example, you can prepare greeting cards for healthcare professionals who want to thank patients for choosing their clinic.

18. Makes and sells hand made products

More and more people are buying hand made products online. From personalized christening kits and candles, to magnets, lichen paintings to children's books, photo albums and pacifier chains, everything that can be personalized attracts.

And after all, why not?

Unique things are much more valuable and appreciated than those that can be easily made in factories.

19. Personalized gifts

Whether you accomplish something or have a flair for choosing gifts, you can sell your services online. Maybe you are very good at understanding human psychology and then you can offer advice in selecting the best gifts for your loved ones.

Or maybe you like to pack nicely. In any case, this field is increasingly sought after! Many would like to have someone else take care of the gifts in their hands!

20. Review music online for money

Finally, if you want to be paid to listen to music, find out that this is also possible! There are platforms like Slicethepie.com that are willing to pay you if you give them a review in return.

In fact, what they want is to listen to certain artists and say how much they liked you and if you see a future for them.


It has never been easier to find out how to make money online. If you have some free time or if you are looking for financial freedom, then it is time to think about what you want. The easiest thing would be to invest in yourself and be an influencer. However, if you are an introvert, there are solutions for you. So, I invite you to leave me a comment telling me what is the best idea to make money online for you.


About the Creator

Ingerul Pierdut

Top Writer in the Ideas and Startup! If you can’t, you must. If you must, you can. Support me: https://medium.com/@ingerul00pierdut/membership

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    Ingerul PierdutWritten by Ingerul Pierdut

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