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How to Improve Laravel Application Performance

Is your Laravel app facing performance issues? Here are the proven Top 11 Tips to optimize the performance of Laravel Application.

By Rachael GreyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

If you are working on a fairly extensive Laravel website with many queries and structured query/discussion language. There are very high processors and memory VPS, but there is still a lot of room for performance improvement.

Laravel is the first and best choice for building business-oriented applications, including e-commerce platforms and information management systems. You must agree that Laravel has developed by leaps and bounds, and its continuous tuning performance has made it the best PHP framework in 2018.

Laravel API is a comprehensive framework for PHP development. Agile development methods, MVC architecture patterns, and many libraries make it very convenient to create beautiful and well-structured code.

The Google Trends, report shows that Laravel is the most used PHP framework

Since its release in 2011, Laravel has gradually evolved into several parts. Developers currently consider Laravel as the best commercial application PHP framework.

Without the Laravel framework, you might have switched from PHP a long time ago. The framework has some great features that make developers' lives easier.

Now that you decide to use Laravel in your next project, you should learn strategies and techniques to make the most of it in this excellent framework. This is the best part of using Laravel because it allows you to adjust or tweak your website for better performance.

Why focus on optimizing Laravel performance?

You may have built a Laravel application in which Laravel developers use the PHP framework and required libraries to take full advantage of your project creativity.

Use Laravel to build your business information system, so your business performance is closely related to Laravel's performance. To make your Laravel project run and deliver smoothly, you need to prioritize optimizing your Laravel application to create profits for your business.

Information systems enable you to make important business decisions, so optimizing the performance of your Laravel application will improve your business prospects.

Optimization Points to Develop performance of Laravel app

1. Route caching

If your Laravel app has multiple paths and settings, PHP path caching is an important characteristic that can speed up the improvement of your PHP application. Run the following instruction to cache your routes.php file

php artisan route:cache

2. Apply Artisan Commands Efficiently

In terms of increasing productivity, using Laravel's production commands provides additional benefits.

1. php artisan config:cache


3. php artisan route:cache


5. // Note: Artisan Optimize was removed in laravel 5.5 this works in previous versions.

6. php artisan optimize –force

3. Use deployment tools to target all the teams

This is not a special tip, but it saves you time and is important. It will be so good. Implementers can deploy in Laravel apps and use a single instruction to load, optimize, and migrate simultaneously.

php deployer.phar deploy production

4. Restless Loading

The most typical problem in rebuilding articulate connections is the inquiry obstacle from N+1. We will apply two different models of floors and their owners to help you clarify this scenario. You need to run the following code:

$cars = App\Flat::all();

foreach ($flats as $flat) {

echo $flat->owner->name;


5. Use a JIT compiler.

PHP is a network and server-side language, and it does not understand PHP code itself. Usually, developers use compilers to assemble bytecode code and translate PHP code. The way the program is compiled will influence the performance of the Laravel app and the user experience. This allows Laravel developers to apply the Zend engine that begins with the compiler to edit the code one at a time instantly.

This collaborative project will yield results in developing your Laravel application. You should perform a Laravel app performance review and check it out for yourself. Whenever you create an app for your enterprise, consider hiring Laravel developers from a reputable company to make your Laravel app more efficient and relax. They have a knowledgeable Laravel development team to guarantee that your enterprise applications are responsive.

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About the Creator

Rachael Grey

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