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How To Boost Your eCommerce In 2022

E-commerce Business in 2022

By Red AlkemiPublished 2 years ago β€’ 3 min read

The coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on a variety of industries. ECommerce, on the other hand, has been one of the only industries to benefit from Covid-19 and stay-at-home orders. However, even in these challenging times of evolution and a guaranteed stream of highly motivated consumers ready to shop online, the fact remains that there is also more competition.

If you want to grow your eCommerce business to attract more customers and traffic, you must market it. 2022 offers many opportunities for e-commerce businesses to skyrocket their sales and grow a digital presence.

When it comes to learning how to expand an online business, there are a variety of e-commerce marketing tactics that can help with brand exposure, website traffic, and sales. To this end, we've compiled a list of 5 strategies to focus on helping your eCommerce business thrive and grow in 2022.

5 Ways To Grow and Scale Your E-commerce Business in 2022

1. Diversify SEO Strategy

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an integral digital marketing approach to boost eCommerce success in 2022. The vast majority of internet adventures begin with a search engine. Customers are constantly looking for solutions to their problems, and your products must appear near the top of those results.

Organisations need to make sure their product listings are optimised for text and voice searches. Here are a few aspects that SEO for eCommerce must consider.

  • Keywords - For industry-specific keywords, Google's Keyword Planner can help you determine search volume and competitiveness. Include these keywords strategically throughout your site.
  • Voice Search - 71% of consumers prefer to conduct queries by voice instead of typing. Use your keywords conversationally throughout your content to boost your voice search visibility.
  • Videos - You should also consider including videos on your site and optimising them for search engines. Video content can boost your search traffic by 157 per cent.

2. Mobile-Friendly Website

People enjoy shopping on their phones, and this is a growing trend. Visitors to different types of eCommerce stores are increasingly shopping on their mobile devices, but not enough stores offer a seamless mobile experience optimised for conversions. As a result, many sales opportunities are lost.

Your eCommerce website must be mobile responsive if you want to increase sales. Additionally, to ensure a seamless checkout procedure, reduce friction on the payment page.

3. Optimise Your Product Page

Unlike physical stores, eCommerce websites do not directly connect with customers. The websites cannot talk to customers, understand their problems and recommend a product as per their needs. To overcome this challenge, eCommerce businesses have to use every point of interaction very carefully.

Hence, optimising the product page is imperative. Very few eCommerce store owners use the product page in the right way. Here are a few areas that must be customised and used wisely:

  • Product Name
  • Make use of social proof
  • Benefits over features
  • Product Pitchers
  • Chatbot Marketing
  • Exit intent Pop-up
  • Demo video demonstrating how to use the product and its advantages
  • A sense of urgency

4. Leverage Scarcity Tactics

Many people respond positively to scarcity strategies that encourage them to act quickly. Creating a sense of urgency, often known as FOMO (fear of missing out), effectively persuades visitors to become buyers. The strategies listed below can help you convince prospects to buy now rather than later.

  • Showing limited availability
  • Running time-sensitive offers or Flash sales
  • Limited edition products
  • Financial benefits
  • Free shipping

Whatever method works best for your company, generating a sense of urgency is an efficient strategy to increase sales, regardless of your product or service.

5. Remarketing and Retargeting

Many first-time visitors to your store look for a while and then leave without purchasing anything. Although this is an unfortunate truth of owning an e-commerce store, it doesn't mean you can't take advantage of bouncing customers.

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