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Hey, Jude Dive In Deeper

A deeper look into The Beatles song, Hey Jude and Nimona by N.D. Stevenson how it can help people explore themselves and the world around them more.

By Kamden ShavlukPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Hey, Jude Dive In Deeper
Photo by Victrola Record Players on Unsplash

When comparing literature to everyday media, you see a large difference in what is often shown as the truth. Stephen King explains this concept best when he says, "Fiction is the truth inside the lie." By saying this, he shows perfectly that fictional work is presented as just untrue stories. However, they explore and show the real problems that people are facing. Whereas everyday media can be seen as showing the truth of people's lives while constantly struggling behind the mask of having to be authentic. Another thing to look at in regards to this thought is how different types of media present childhood. When looking at different movies or social media influencers, it is often shown as the best time in a person’s life. Represented as only being filled with playing with friends and having no worries. On the contrary, Stephen King’s It can show it as a time where you are trying to figure out the world while navigating through fears and different relationships. While it is seen as a lot darker of a thought, I think of it as a lot more of a sincere way to depict such a formative time in a person’s life. Overall, showing the truth behind things often covered up can help us learn so much more about the world around us than it can when you cover it up.

Lashing out at a loved one, saying something that we don't mean, and feeling sad, but it comes out as anger: do we always know why we do things like this? Literature can be a great tool to understand more about this. Nimona by ND Stevenson has a great lesson about how we feel deep down. Throughout the book, Nimona can be seen getting angrier and angrier about an array of different things going on, which most people can relate to. Past the anger seen on the surface, though, you can really feel the underlying tones of simply going through a sad time in your life. When she kept that in, she built up other emotions, and in the end, she got pushed over the edge. This is a great reflection of how the emotions that get bottled up can end up coming out as something so much worse than they were when they went in. Realizing this about your own emotions can help people seek out help when going through a tough time. In conclusion, literature can aid us in understanding our emotions deeper than the surface may show, pushing past the actual actions that we take and instead farther into why we respond the way that we do on bad days.

The popular Beatles song “Hey Jude” has a very impactful and crucial meaning behind it. Paul McCartney wrote the song for John Lennon’s son, Julian, while he was struggling with his parent’s divorce. This song connects to my answer because it has helped me learn so much about myself. An example of this is that when I was 3, my parents got divorced; when I look back on that time with this song in mind, I feel like I’m talking to my younger self in the midst of tougher times, letting her know that it will all work out. When I feel like I’m comforting a younger version of myself, it also helps me understand just how far I’ve come since then and how much farther I can go in the upcoming years. This song feels like it represents, in its core values, what understanding what you are going through is. Making out what the lyrics were implying meant I had to be able to infer what he could have meant. At the same time, I also had to make connections to what was going on at the time that Paul McCartney wrote the song. As previously expressed, “Hey Jude” was created to comfort someone, but it can also remind people of just how much they have overcome to be here today and because of that they can only stop when success is on the horizon behind them.

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About the Creator

Kamden Shavluk

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