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Hey guys, what are the best vr games? i've heard that some are free!

Hey guys, what are some of the best virtual reality games? I've heard that some are free!

By Marie-Thérèse RobineauPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Hey guys, what are the best vr games? i've heard that some are free!
Photo by Massimo Adami on Unsplash

Virtual reality games are a lot of fun. (For a good time, check out my tales of virtual reality at the bottom of this article.) But most people don't know which are the best vr games! Are there vr games free? Can you even play games in vr without purchasing them?

What's the best way to view these virtual reality experiences? This article will answer all those questions and more.

Yes. some of the best vr games currently on the market are totally free to download and play. these games are fun, unique and really shine in vr.

There are quite a few great free VR games out there, and I'll be listing my top picks for you below. If you're looking for some more VR titles to check out, I've put together a list of the best games for the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR too.

In this article, I'm going to focus on the best free VR games that are available right now. We'll be focusing on both PC and console games here, so if you've got an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive there's plenty of options to choose from. Many of these games are available on Steam, which means they can be played with either an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive headset.

A few are also available through the Oculus Store or as standalone titles on consoles like PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. Some of them are demos that let you try out a portion of a game before deciding whether or not it's worth buying - but there are also many full-length experiences available for free too!

Here is a list of five of the best free vr games on the market right now.

If you're looking to get into VR gaming, there are plenty of free vr games to choose from. Here is a list of five of the best free vr games on the market right now. Beat Saber - Beat Saber is a rhythm game where you slash blocks in time with music.

It's fun, challenging and has a great soundtrack! You can also play with other players online if you want more competition. Space Pirate Trainer - This game is set in outer space and you have to shoot down enemies as they approach from all directions. It's an intense game that will test your reflexes and hand-eye coordination skills!

Sparc - In Sparc, you play as an athlete competing against other players for points by hitting targets with your discus or gladiator sword. You can also use your feet to hit targets which adds an extra dimension of challenge! The Lab - The Lab is one of my favorite free vr games because it offers a variety of different experiences like flying around in zero gravity or even fighting robots!

There are also some fun mini games like Longbow or Slingshot which are great for wasting time at work or school when you're feeling restless!

Star chart - this game has you exploring our solar system and beyond by pointing your controllers at the stars.

The best VR games are the ones that make you feel like you're actually in another world. That's why Ubisoft's Star Trek: Bridge Crew is such a great game. It takes place in the Star Trek universe and has you playing as an officer on board the U.S.S. Aegis, where you'll work together to complete missions, fight off enemy ships and explore new worlds.

It's a cooperative game that allows up to four players at once, so it's great for parties or family gatherings! You can play through the entire campaign with friends or go online to find random crews to join. The game also has voice chat capabilities, so make sure your crew knows what they're doing before jumping into battle!

If you're not into Star Trek but still want something with a sci-fi feel, then check out Creed: Rise to Glory! This boxing simulator puts you right into the ring with Apollo Creed's son Adonis "Donnie" Johnson Jr., who must train hard while fighting his way through the ranks of professional boxing.

You can even challenge yourself by trying different difficulty settings and seeing how far you can get before getting knocked out!

The climb - scale cliffs and buildings as though you're climbing in real life, as you rush to get to the top before time runs out.

The Climb The Climb is a great choice if you're looking for a good VR game that's not too expensive, but still offers some great gameplay. It's an adrenaline-filled game in which you climb mountains and cliffs using nothing but your hands and feet. The game features beautiful scenery and realistic physics, so even if you're not a fan of climbing games, it's worth checking out.

The game features a variety of different routes to take as well as an online multiplayer mode where you can compete with friends and other players around the world. Here are some other great free VR games: Rec Room - Rec Room is another free vr game that allows you to interact with other players in virtual reality environments.

There's something for everyone in this game, from paintball to dodgeball or even archery! You can also create your own social events so people can join you whenever they want. Rec Room is available on both PC and PlayStation VR (PSVR). Job Simulator - In Job Simulator, players must complete various jobs using their hands and feet while avoiding getting hit by things like flying plates or spilled coffee cups!

Job simulator - from working in a cubicle office, to making coffee and ruling over a medieval kingdom, this game offers all kinds of fun simulations perfect for vr enthusiasts.

Job Simulator From working in a cubicle office, to making coffee and ruling over a medieval kingdom, this game offers all kinds of fun simulations perfect for vr enthusiasts. Job Simulator is one of the most popular VR games currently on the market, and it's no wonder why: It's fun and easy to play.

The game puts you in a series of jobs that you have to perform as best you can using your hands, which is where the magic happens. For example, when you're making coffee for your boss, you have to actually make real-life gestures with your hands (like stirring) and then wait for him/her to drink it.

That may sound simple enough but it gets increasingly more difficult as you progress through the levels and get promoted into more advanced positions. At one point in my life I was an office worker and this game brought back memories of that experience! Robo Recall Robo Recall is another popular VR game that has been around since 2016 but has stayed relevant because of its unique gunplay mechanics which are unlike anything else out there right now.

The main objective here is to kill all robots before they kill you (which isn't very hard).

Fruit ninja - perfect for parties, this game puts you in virtual reality as you slice fruit with your sword again and again.

Fruit Ninja - Perfect for parties, this game puts you in virtual reality as you slice fruit with your sword again and again. VRobot VR - This game is all about destroying robots, because who doesn't like destroying robots? The graphics are pretty incredible and it's actually quite fun. Holopoint - With a bow and arrow, you must defend yourself against oncoming enemies by shooting them with arrows.

It's quite fun, but also quite challenging. Shooty Fruity - A shooter game where you use fruits as guns to shoot other fruits. You can also shoot at cans and bottles! The Brookhaven Experiment - This is a horror game where it takes place inside of a military base that's been overrun with zombies.

You'll have to fight your way through hordes of undead while trying not to get eaten alive yourself!

Everest vr - explore mount everest from multiple perspectives and put yourself through challenges with this game that immerses you in vr.

Here are the best VR games you can play on your HTC Vive right now. If you've got an HTC Vive and a Steam account, you're in luck. There are hundreds of VR games available for free (or cheap) on Steam, and we've got a list of the ones you should be playing.

The best VR games for HTC Vive Everest vr - Explore Mount Everest from multiple perspectives and put yourself through challenges with this game that immerses you in vr. Space Pirate Trainer - This game will test your reflexes against an onslaught of drones as they try to shoot you down.

You can equip a variety of different weapons and upgrades to keep up with the increasing difficulty. Raw Data - The makers of this game call it a "cooperative multiplayer survival shooter." You'll need to work together with other players as you fight off robots in this action-packed shooter game.

Rec Room - Rec Room is a social hub where people can hang out and play games like Laser Tag or Paintball together in virtual reality (VR).

All in All...

The best vr games are free to play. They are mostly in the form of mobile apps, and range from racers to puzzle games, RPGs, first person shooters, and more. I definitely recommend games like VR Karts and VR Runner for those on a budget, but if you have a bit more money to spend then I highly recommend the games I listed above.

They offer much better graphics and gameplay than most free alternatives.


About the Creator

Marie-Thérèse Robineau

💬 Hello, I'm Marie-Thérèse 👋 I write about VR and software in general. Enjoy my articles !!

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