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God's “Point of Existence and Purpose”

For Life and Business

By ADiva Cole Published 10 days ago 4 min read
A F.A.I.T.H.ful Journey

God’s “Point of Existence and Purpose”

I want to get into a topic that touches the very essence of our being – the “Point of Existence and Purpose” that God bestows upon us from the moment we take our first breath.

Life, my dear friends, is a magnificent journey filled with moments of joy, struggles, challenges, and growth. On this journey, we often find ourselves questioning the very reason for our existence. We ask ourselves, "What is the point of it all?" And that's a profound question, indeed.

The “Point of Existence” lies in the fact that we are not mere accidents or random creations. We are intentionally designed and shaped by a divine Creator. From the very beginning, God has infused each one of us with unique gifts, talents, and a Purpose that is tailor-made for us.

Discovering our Purpose is an unfolding process. It's a journey of self-discovery and a deep connection with our FAITH. Our purpose is not necessarily tied to grandiose achievements, fame, or wealth. Instead, it is about understanding our unique role in God's plan and living in alignment with His divine will. You see, God's purpose for us extends far beyond just our professional lives or businesses. It encompasses every aspect of our being – our relationships, our passions, our daily interactions, and how we treat others. Our purpose means a life of significance and making a positive impact on the world around us.

At times, we may face obstacles and setbacks, and it's natural to feel lost or uncertain. But, in those moments, God is always with us, guiding us, and providing the strength to overcome.

With that being said…

In Life

On my birthday this. May 23rd, I will turn 51 years young. I know quite a few people who did not make it to live half of a century, they were close to my age or younger. Lives cut short, or for all we know they lived to their POINT. But did they serve their PURPOSE?

What do I mean by that?.. They lived to A POINT. But, did they serve their PURPOSE?

Everyone has a “POINT of EXISTENCE & a PURPOSE.” At some point your life is going to stop, Right? And we know that is for certain. We are sure of the fact that no one lives forever. But.. Before you come to that POINT, your Life has a PURPOSE. (before you come to that POINT of EXISTENCE where your time here on earth is no longer… Your LIFE HAS A PURPOSE!)

Ask Yourself

  • What is my PURPOSE?
  • What can I share with others that matters?

The reason for being is to walk in your place of Authority that God has set for you. Share your Spiritual Gifts.. Because they give you PURPOSE.

The gifts God has given me, (FAITH, Teaching, Exhortation and Administration) are a few of the reasons I serve with PURPOSE. God has created each of us for a specific reason. By believing in him and trusting him for guidance we ask him to show us our PURPOSE. In order for us to serve with that PURPOSE in mind, we must have FAITH.


Let's think about all the personal lives you have known and lost, because they came to their “Point of Existence” where their lives were cut short or it was their time. What happened to them? Was it natural causes or a tragedy? If it wasn’t natural causes, it’s possible they could have avoided it right? Maybe. Maybe not.. Only God knows. Right? But, they also could have taken a different path for their lives, because God gave us free will. You see, one simple decision can lead to a life span of trials and tribulations that could have simply been avoided. By choosing to talk to God and walk with Jesus, you’re choosing the path that He has planned for you.. Your POINT OF EXISTENCE and your PURPOSE begins and ends with Him.


  • Ask him to be the head of your Life.
  • By asking him for guidance and understanding.
  • Allowing him to Lead you. (because only He can lead you to where He needs you to be. Trust Him)


Because God has created and given you your “Point of Existence and Purpose.” He knows the right path you're supposed to be on. So, if you stray off that path, He can guide you back to where you need to be. It’s a journey not a milestone.

In Business…

Your Business is about your “Point of Existence and your Purpose.” Everything matters leading up to your POINT, so know your PURPOSE.

Repeat: Everything matters to God during your Point of Existence, according to your Purpose. Your Business can thrive or it can fail. What happens in between is up to you and how you serve others.

In business, When you have no direction, focus, clarity and understanding, it causes you to lose sight of God. It opens a window for the enemy to come in and KILL, STEAL and DESTROY everything that God has built up in you. And I believe that it changes the narrative of the outcome or your “Point of Existence” in your business, that God has given you. Because, you’re no longer serving your Purpose. Your POINT and your PURPOSE… are connected, from beginning to end. (Birth to Death)

God has given you a “Point of Existence and a Purpose.” in Life and Business. It’s your choice on how it goes. They are not supposed to end at the same time. After you have moved on, when God calls you home to be with Him. Your Purpose lives on in others who lives you have touched, people that have learned from you and shared with the next. It’s your choice to accept your Purpose according to His plans, But, I believe it changes your “Point of Existence.”

“Go with God, His plans are greater than Ours”

fact or fiction

About the Creator

ADiva Cole

A Spiritual Certified Life Coach, "Empowering FAITH-driven women entrepreneurs with a strong belief in the power of F.A.I.T.H. (Foundation, Accuracy, Integrity, Truth, Hope), to fulfill God’s plan for their Lives and Businesses.

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