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Facebook is Too Big, Fail

Facebook is in serious trouble

By Damian PetersPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Facebook is in serious trouble. It doesn't really matter what your opinion is about Facebook, the fact is that they aren't coming back from the latest round of body blows directed at the company. They are both not dying but they are dead. Yes, you may have believed that about the Cambridge Analytica scandal, but it all comes down to this stock price aside, they never came back from that.

Because Facebook is an amazing business, people seem confused. Facebook also cites studies that show how important Facebook is to their core user base (read: non tech-press). True! True! They might take Facebook offline for a few hours just to show the point. All of this is irrelevant.

Facebook isn't dying as a company, but they are dying as a brand. To distance themselves from Facebook, the company must quickly move on to "what's next". This is not a new concept I wrote it six years ago. This has been their goal for many years. They called it "Facebook" , which was stupid, even though they created an umbrella company. They did the exact opposite of what they should have done. Facebook is no more.

It is clear that Mark Zuckerberg realizes this, but does not want to see it. The latter is his error. It's too late, and the more he and his team wait to see the consequences, the worse the company will be. It's possible for them to believe that everything will be fine, which is true in some cases. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. There is the rationalist world, and then there is the real thing. Facebook has been chosen by the powers as their poster child. Facebook is becoming a distraction to the tech elites. The younger generation is not interested in using Facebook. So...

All aboard the Instagram lifeboat! But even this brand ( & product ) is quickly being tarnished. It's clear that Facebook can't purchase the next thing at this point.

The company must pivot away from the brand that is making them all the profits. They cannot just rip off the bandaid and close Facebook -- evidently, OBVIOUSLY -- as they need to make profits in order to move on to the next project. They need to do better branding to distinguish the newer projects. This seems to be happening. It must happen more fully.

Zuckerberg is not a fool. All of this is up to him. His recent statements show that he is a rationalist. This argument isn't rational. It is basically everything but.

Facebook has won. They have more than two billion users. Because they have created a service that mirrors human nature. Humanity, it turns out isn't great. Yes, there are great pockets. There are also pockets full of terrible. The terrible will always overpower the great. Facebook has the perfect tool that allows this. It's scaleable.

This should be obvious, but it isn't. Facebook's problem isn’t Facebook. It's us. It's us. Facebook is the best tool to connect these human beings. It has created a world where the local lunatic is now the worldwide lunatic.

Facebook and Zuckerberg did not realize that this was the final state. It wasn't what the original mission had in mind. They have lost sight of their original mission. It is good to connect people! You would think so. It's not, however. It sound good. It's what we all desire to be. It's a disaster. Humanity is a catastrophe.

It's harsh, but it is true. It is the only thing Facebook can't escape from and will never escape. They are not a nefarious organisation. I view them more as a group of James Bond villains gathered around a table plotting to end humanity. Their tool was created to connect everyone, even those with the best intentions. (We can argue about the "growth without cost" side of the equation -- clearly there wasn't only best intentions). This tool was taken over long ago. They made a mistake. We all live with the consequences. It has pushed Facebook into a corner.

Facebook is in crisis in a way that has not been seen since the antitrust trial of Microsoft. This is far worse than the antitrust trial because the real world ramifications are far more severe. Although the "Big Tobacco” analogy is overused, it feels very appropriate in many ways. Although the poison is digital, it's still deadly. Original cigarette manufacturers didn't intend to create addictive death sticks. This was later.

What else could Zuckerberg do? It's not possible. Although it sounds extreme, these problems are essential. These problems are inherent in Facebook, the social networking site . Their PR strategy makes this even worse. They are always prepared with a supply of wet noodles. I would shut up about it and admit that you cannot fix it because humanity is not broken. I would continue to build whatever is next behind closed doors. I hope to continue to make Facebook profits as long as possible.

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