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Clever Gadgets That Clean Your House for You

Why do all the dirty work of vacuuming, dusting and freshening when you can employ any one of these clever gadgets that clean your house for you?

By Salvador LorenzPublished 6 years ago 5 min read

Let's face it, cleaning sucks. Chores? Who needs them when you've got some of the coolest and most intricate devices on the market. From air purification to robot vacuums, technology has come a long way in the past ten years or so. With drones shipping our packages and bionic appendages assembling our vehicles, why wouldn't we turn to mechanized aid when it comes to out everyday mundane cleaning?

We may not realize it, but humans often miss especially important areas all throughout the home, specifically in hard to reach areas. These tech gadgets are sure to make and keep your home looking sparkling new. We're talking about when science fiction blurs with modern technology. These awesome inventions will not only make home cleaning a breeze, they also relieve the stress and tension that comes with it, since they're the best gadgets that clean your house for you.

You'd be surprised by how much unwanted and unhealthy germs can fester in your air. Thanks to the GermGuardian, 99.7 percent of allergens are captured in its HEPA filter, but it also has charcoal one for heavier scents, like cooking, pets, and smoking.

Purify your air the right way and start home cleaning from the core by controlling the circulation of dangerous pathogens and household dust with the GermGuard. It's among the best gadgets that clean your house for you, because of the UV-C light, which immediately kills bacteria and viruses by using Titanium Dioxide.

Black and Decker has a whole line of Power Scrubbers for any kind of dirt, mold, or grime left on any surface. This Scumbuster Pro, much like the Power Scrubber, saves your wrists from injury and unwanted strain by tackling difficult messes in hard to reach areas by utilizing an oscillating motion. It also has a super comfortable and non-slip grip for expert precision, a must have among gadgets that clean your house for you.

Check out all the various scrubbers on Black and Decker, all of which not only cut down on your cleaning time, but make the job that much easier to preform.

Welcome to the future. This is an automated window cleaning device that follows its own path along your home windows at all angles, which is why it's among the best gadgets that clean your house for you. The W930 is exceptional for only $280, given that it cleans framed and non-framed windows, doors, and many other surfaces.

ECOVACS has been making award winning cleaning devices for years, enabled by its proprietary SmartMove System that make all of their products completely smart and self-learning four-clean process. There's also a safety functionality that adds an extra layer of protection to your everyday cleanliness needs. For one of the best eco-friendly gadgets that's as good in quality as it is in functionality, get the W930 Winbot today.

Pretend you're Harry Potter with this sleek sanitizing wand, which utilizes the UV-C light technology to kill up to 99 percent of germs, bacteria and even odors. Take it anywhere and clean really hard to reach surfaces, like in between the buttons on your keyboards, remotes, and mobile phones, or pick up those highly contagious germs from faucets, toys, and various other sources.

These are some of the best gadgets that clean your house for you, simply put because all you have to do is wave your magical device over the surface. Presto, that surface is magically clean and germ ridden!

Not so much a gadget but a toy, the Angry Mama microwave cleaner uses the power of your microwave and steam to literally make the machine nuke itself clean. It may not look or be as sophisticated as the others on this list, but don't let them fool you; these angry mamas are some of the best gadgets that clean your house for you.

The microwave cleaner comes in a multitude of different colors and shapes. Instead of using chemicals and other harmful materials, the Angry Mama simply uses steam to get those tough stains out of every surface of your microwave.

It's all in the name: Awair — keeping aware of what's in your air. It's that easy with these gadgets that clean your house for you. The Awair Glow device tracks harmful toxins and chemicals that could be tracked in your home's air, but it can also gauge the specific levels of these aspects, such as CO2, humidity, and even temperature.

Don't go another day without the Awair Glow, or you might find yourself breathing the wrong stuff. This product also comes with an elegant nightlight, which can be operated from the free app, where air conditions can also be monitored.

Being that it's one of the best robotic vacuums for smart homes, it's also among the most sophisticated gadgets that clean your home for you: the M82 robotic vacuum. ECOVACS is a trusted brand in automated gadgetry, none so more proving than this DEEBOT.

The machine lasts for around 150 minutes per charge and comes with four different cleaning methods for an all-around surface cleaner. Not to mention you can also set schedules on your M82 robotic vacuum, allowing it to automatically clean carpets and floors on your preferred times. Finally, you can clean and relax at the exact same time.

Once you thought nothing more could ever be enabled with smart tech, then they come out with an intelligent receptacle bin, because why not? While it may not get full Wi-Fi or stream your favorite Netflix shows, this 13 gallon stainless steel trash bin opens automatically at the mere twist of a wrist.

In addition, the iTocuhless trash can also has an odor filter that absorbs bad smells and unwanted scents from ever escaping its shell. You never have to worry about opening the trash or smells ever escaping again with this addition to the best gadgets that clean your house for you.

Simply attach this device over your shower head, set the desired schedules for selected cleaning, and watch as it automatically scrubs away grime and mildew from tile floors, keeping surfaces squeaky clean. Just filter and replace water after 30 days of cleaning, that's all there is to it.

Why waste money on chemical-ridden cleaning supplies, plus valuable time on scrubbing and brushing, when you can just get this addition to the best gadgets that clean your house for you?

Every grilling man's dream come true is also our very last among gadgets that clean your house for you. Grillbot's expert device follows three different cleaning systems that give your grill a lasting, quality clean that beats hand washing very time!

Guaranteed tested on all grills, the Grillbot doesn't disappoint. Quit leaving your grill out for the morning, or worse: never cleaning it all. Yuck! The Grillbot lets you clean your grill hands free and has removable brushes to keep your grill top looking sparkling new in all your backyard BBQs.

From automatic window and bathroom cleaners, to drone vacuums and grill scrubbers, it should come as no surprise when a self-sufficient mop finds its way at the bottom of this list. Don't take it for granted, though, iRobot's mopping robot is among the best gadgets that clean your house for you.

Whether you're trying to get rid of tough stains, mud, dirt, or dust of all kinds, the Braava Jet 245 is your go to cleaning solution, especially for hard to reach areas. Choose between three different Braava jet pads: damp sweeping, dry sweeping, or wet mopping. Plus, this sleek automata follows precise navigation, so it doesn't drag on rugs or run into walls; a one hundred percent hands and hassle free cleaning device.

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About the Creator

Salvador Lorenz

Thinking in nodes of progress, futurism, science, culture, and existence. I experience life in a number of ways, pertaining to mathematical concepts mixed with rich flavors of art.

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    Salvador LorenzWritten by Salvador Lorenz

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