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Breaking News: Listeria Spreading Through Dairy Products - Stay Safe Now!

The recent listeria outbreak, its causes, symptoms, and prevention tips.

By Yusuf AlamPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Breaking News: Listeria Spreading Through Dairy Products - Stay Safe Now!
Photo by R. du Plessis on Unsplash

Hey, have you heard about that listeria outbreak with dairy products? It's been making headlines lately and it's kind of worrying, especially if you're a cheese lover like me. So, here's the lowdown on what's been going on.

Listeria is this nasty bacteria that can give you a serious infection called listeriosis. And trust me, it's no walk in the park. You get hit with fever, muscle aches, headache, and it can even mess with your head, causing confusion. In some cases, it can be fatal, especially for pregnant folks, older adults, and those with weak immune systems.

So, where's this outbreak coming from? Turns out, some dairy products from different brands got tainted with listeria and the FDA had to step in and recall them.

Think cheese, yogurt, and sour cream made by a company called El Abuelito Cheese Inc. out of New Jersey. If you're into your dairy, you might recognize some of the brands like Tio Francisco or Rizo Bros. The FDA's got a full list of the recalled products on their website, so it's worth checking out if you've got any of them in your fridge.

State Illnesses Deaths

California 4 0

Connecticut 1 0

Florida 1 0

Illinois 1 0

Maryland 2 1

Massachusetts 1 0

New Jersey 4 0

New York 7 1

Virginia 2 0

Other 1 0

Total 24 2

This outbreak's spread to over ten states, including Connecticut, Maryland, New York, Virginia, and Florida. Sadly, two people have already lost their lives, and over two dozen others have gotten sick. Symptoms usually kick in a few days after munching on the contaminated stuff, but sometimes it can take as long as two months to show up.

If you suspect you've eaten any of the recalled products, don't wait around, get yourself to a doctor pronto and let them know what's up. Listeriosis can be treated with antibiotics, but catching it early is key to avoiding complications.

How Common Is It?

Listeria outbreaks happen more often than you might think, according to the CDC. They recommend folks at high risk steer clear of certain foods like unpasteurized cheeses and raw sprouts. Luckily, listeria can be killed off by cooking your food properly, so that's a relief.

Symptoms and prevention

How do you steer clear of this listeria mess? Well, first off, check your fridge and chuck any of the recalled products. Better safe than sorry, right? And when you're picking up dairy from the store, make sure it's pasteurized. That means it's been heated up to kill off any nasty germs.

Most dairy sold in the US is pasteurized, but keep an eye out for soft cheeses like queso fresco or brie, they might be made from unpasteurized milk and could carry listeria. If you're in a high-risk group, it's best to give those a miss. But if you can't resist, heat 'em up till they're steaming hot before digging in.

Oh, and keep your fridge in check. Listeria loves cold places, so make sure your fridge is running below 40°F. Keep it clean too—wipe up any spills pronto. And remember to wash your hands, utensils, and cutting boards before and after dealing with dairy.

It's all about preventing that cross-contamination. And don't slack on using up or freezing dairy before it hits its expiration date. Listeria can do its thing if you leave stuff lying around for too long.

So, there you have it—stay cautious, keep an eye on what's in your fridge, and take care when you're handling dairy. We'll get through this outbreak together, mate!




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About the Creator

Yusuf Alam

Crafting Words into Amazing Stories | Freelance Copywriter | Turning Ideas into Impact

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