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By Marketing BowoPublished about a year ago 3 min read


The Guest App Bowo is a web application that has been customized for each hotel to provide guests with a seamless experience during their stay. It combines all the services and offers provided by the hotel, making it easier for the guest to access all the necessary information with just a few clicks.

The app provides a wide range of services to guests, including check-in, room directory, menu ordering, activity and SPA reservations, instant messaging, incident reporting, personalized city guide, digital press, loyalty programs, and much more. All these services are aimed at making the guest's stay more comfortable, convenient, and enjoyable.

One of the benefits of the Bowo Guest App is that it acts as a communication and upselling tool for the hotel. The app provides an opportunity for the hotel to promote its services and generate additional revenue by making suggestions to guests during their stay. For example, the app can recommend activities or services that the guest might be interested in, such as a massage at the SPA, or a special offer at the hotel restaurant.

The app is also a great tool for entertainment and customer loyalty. By providing guests with personalized city guides and digital press, the app ensures that guests are informed about the latest happenings in the city and are up-to-date with the latest news. Additionally, the loyalty program encourages guests to return to the hotel and to take advantage of its services again.

The Guest App Bowo has been validated by more than 600 hotels in 17 countries, making it a trusted and reliable tool for the hospitality industry. It has also been recognized as the 3rd best guest app in the world by Hotel Tech Report, a leading platform for hotel technology reviews and ratings.

Our best content…

is on our blog!

Bowo’s blog is more than 130 articles (in French, but many are translated in English), white papers, interviews and case studies with one goal: to inform the hospitality industry about the latest market trends and share best practices to :

make the customer experience memorable

generate additional revenue

and facilitate operational processes.

So, for those of you in a hurry, here’s a digest of our best blog posts and content, and for more tips, check out our website :)

📖 Our white papers :

  • The Guide to Hotel Industry trends for 2023
  • The Guide to Hotel Industry Trends for 2022

🎥 Last but not least, our customers testify:

startuptech newsapps

About the Creator

Marketing Bowo

La Guest App Bowo est une application web développée sur mesure pour chaque hôtel, qui réunit l’ensemble des offres et services de l’établissement. Primée 3e meilleure guest app au monde par Hotel Tech Report.

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MBWritten by Marketing Bowo

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