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best tips for google ranking your site

tips for seo

By sajid aliPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
best tips for google ranking your site
Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

The above are the best ways to optimize your site for google ranking.

Discover all the most important rules and steps before, to obtain a high ranking of your website in Google.

The fact is, you can't know for sure which of these tips is going to help your site rank higher faster. If you try them all and they don't work, move on. The real trick is to find what works best for your company – what converts, what traffic sources generate leads, and how much targeted traffic costs.

Hopefully, this article has been helpful to you. Remember, there is no fool-proof way to optimize your website for the search engines. Attracting visitors is a combination of quality optimization and creating high-quality web content that users want to read and link to (i.e., social networking). Google is also always trying to find new ways to measure the value of websites and how they help increase people's knowledge. The more knowledgeable your visitors are as a result of visiting your site, the more valuable Google will consider your website for ranking purposes. The Google Algorithm uses a multitude of factors in determining ranking, but all in all, the main point is not just the quantity of sites linking to you but also what quality those sites are. If you are building a site from scratch, be sure to review this checklist so that you start off on the right foot.

Keep these SEO tips in mind and continue to reference the Google Webmaster tools pages; this valuable set of information will be a great constant guide in your journey towards high rankings.

In the end, improving your ranking boils down to the same thing it's always boiled down to: creating more value for the audience than any of your competitors. The difference is that now you can use SEO along with other online marketing strategies to help you do it better than ever before.

The most important factor in Google ranking is a keyword density of 6% – 10%. Make sure you use your keywords in the Meta Description, Title of the page, H1 and H2 tags, the content and everything in the start of the website. Don't underestimate the first paragraph on your post – it's very important to have at least 2-3 keywords there with not less than 70 characters. Don't use all words in one sentence, but try to make the first and last sentences more informative and keyword dense!

The first step to getting your blog ranked for certain keywords is finding out which words people are typing into the search engines. This can be done by checking Google Keyword Tool when you write your post. You don't want to use keywords that have a high search volume, but not many searches per month, like "how to cook sunday dinner" (with 10,600 searches per month), or "make lasagna spaghetti bolognese" (with 6,870 searches per month). I used the word "Articles.Invisionpower.com" in both cases, because its the name of the site I'm writing this post on. This is an example of a low search volume word (with 3 searches per month) but high competition (20,400 pages) keyword. So instead of using this word, you should use something more general like "website promotion". That keyword gets searched more often (633 searches per month) and there are less competing pages (3,560 pages).

Remember that the content of your blog does matter, but the way you promote it matters even more. Putting it there on the internet is only half the battle. It takes time, hard work, and creativity to come up with a successful web marketing strategy for your site.

There are many ways to use content marketing to try and rank in Google search results. The important thing is to understand how people search for your site by using keywords, and then create content with those words in it. Sharing that content on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ can also help.

It's no secret that one of the best ways to increase your search engine rankings and make your business more profitable is by using content. Using blog posts, guest posts, infographics and video are all great ways to get your business more exposure and attract new customers.

Hopefully, now that you have been armed with a host of useful strategies, you will be able to implement them in your web design and succeed.

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sajid ali

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