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AWS VS Salesforce: Which Cloud Platform is Best?

Wondering who is the ideal cloud provider amongst AWS vs Salesforce? Check out this blog to get an answer!

By BacancyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Everybody wants to join the top enterprises league by migrating their business data with cloud computing data. You all know that the trends in the market keep on changing. Every person must have information about trends in the market as it is crucial for the business.

Nowadays, companies are using cloud hosting services because it provides benefits like consolidating bills, cost reduction, and server availability whenever required. So if, as an entrepreneur, you must have heard about the war of AWS vs Salesforce and you might consider to transform your traditional services to a cloud platform, then this blog is for you only as it will significantly help you in making a correct decision.

Salesforce CRM introduction:

Salesforce is a software as a Service (SaaS) application that provides client relationship management services (CRM). So due to this reason, Salesforce is the leading application for CRM.

Salesforce leads to business growth and development because it achieves brilliant client relations and connections. The best part is that it gets along with business frameworks that will help all the businesses gain a massive amount of profit.

Pros of Salesforce:

  • Easily manageable
  • Innumerable options
  • Flexible
  • Standard API links

Cons of Salesforce:

  • Complicated configuration
  • Endless learning curve
  • Costly and expensive
  • Poor customer support

Cost of Salesforce:

Salesforce is highly expensive and costly. It will cost $5000 in a single year for a first-time user as Salesforce licensing is based upon per month, per-user only. But the users who want various features and functionalities will find it affordable.

Introduction of Amazon AWS:

Amazon’s AWS is known as Amazon web services, is a combination of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). AWS has gained immense popularity with time and has become one of the most prominent and famous cloud solution service suppliers that provide more than 100 services, including framework & information, on-demand stockpiling database, and investigation and application advancement.

Pros of AWS:

  • Cost-effective
  • Innovation
  • Security
  • Extensive
  • Global leader

Cons of AWS

  • Technical support fee
  • Security issues
  • Cloud computing issue

What is the cost of AWS?

Each framework of AWS has different prices, and it depends upon person to person how they want to use it. When any company moves from on-premises to cloud, they use a lift and shift model to save when there is a situation of company migration.

AWS VS Salesforce:

First, let’s discuss some similarities between Salesforce and AWS.


In the war of AWS vs Salesforce they have few similarities together and they are as follows:

  • Both are cloud computing services
  • Can handle cloud-style operations
  • Known as a global leader in the cloud market
  • Support the best app deployment


  • AWS vs Salesforce are different in many ways and so here is the list as to why both these cloud computing services are different:
  • Salesforce provides applications for the businesses that offer PaaS and SaaS, whereas AWS gives only IaaS.
  • Salesforce focuses on customer success, whereas AWS focuses entirely on infrastructure.
  • Salesforce is a SaaS that constructs along with PaaS; on the other hand, in AWS, customers can move from their current enterprise software license and migrate to the cloud, which focuses more on infrastructure.
  • Salesforce does not believe in competition and does not compete with the offerings of another platform; simultaneously, AWS fights in the cloud market because of IaaS services that are quite similar in all niches.


To sum up, you should choose the cloud platform salesforce or AWS based on the range of services or abilities that both these cloud services will offer. AWS vs Salesforce is a debate going on for a very long time among the developers, but you should know which Platform is best and when to use it properly.

You can choose Salesforce if the application you are making needs high customization and scalability or your business data is prone to threats and risks. Similarly, you can select AWS if the application you are making requires third-party libraries and wish to pay for the cloud services only.


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    BacancyWritten by Bacancy

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