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Artificial Intelligence in our daily life

Artificial Intelligence - Boon or Bane?

By HVPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

In the last decade, there has been a huge advancement in artificial intelligence.

People might assume that Ai has nothing to do with them, They assume it is a technology used by big tech giants and doesn't impact their lives, but in reality, AI improves our day to day life and helps us to achieve more in less time.

"Artificial Intelligence" (AI) has become a buzzword nowadays. AI has a huge market and keeps on improving all the time. Some of the major areas where AI is used is Self-driven cars, Medicine and Healthcare, Smart grid maintenance, CyberSecurity, high-end robotics, AI-driven traffic management, etc.

Many might be surprised to know that AI is already among us, and we are surrounded by it in our daily lives.

The following are some of the examples from our daily life where Artificial Intelligence is used.

Digital Assistants

Built-in smart assistants on our mobiles like Siri, Alexa, and Gooogle Assistant are the best examples of AI that most of us use. These devices have increased in popularity over a few years and use Natural Language Processing to answer. The main purpose of the digital assistants are Message dictation , Internet searches , Alarms and timers, Media playback , Calculations.

Digital Assistants are also used in home automation, which allows us to control Lights, AC, Thermostat Fridges, etc. These devices listen to the human request, process the sentence using NLP, and reply to the request. These replies improve over time.

AI also help the digital assistants improve themselves without any help. for example if an assistant give a wrong reply for a particular question and when user tells that is a wrong reply then the digital assistant learns and will not repeat the same mistake again.

Social Media

Social Media platforms like Facebbok, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and many others, whatever you see and do on these platforms are all influenced by AI and Machine learning. AI works behind the seens to control the feeds that you see through these platforms.

It will personalize the feed you see base don your tastes, preferences and based on your past history, it suggests friends, sends notifications, filters out the fake news and provide you the feed you see.

Internet Searches

Most of the people can't go by a day whithout searching on the web. Search engines have existed since 1990's, but recently Artificial intelligence has change the experince of web searching.

Search Engines couldn't scan the entire web and provide you what you need without the help of the AI. One of main uses of AI is to help preparing the ranking algorithms, still there is aplenty of human effort also involved. While many other search engines also use AI to rank the websites. This affects the search results on the first page and the order in which they appear.


Everyone must have noticed while looking at an ad, that you were thinking of buying it. It is because of AI.

Artificial Intelligence track the online activity of the user. they keep track of the pages and products you visited and present you with ads. It also considers the basic demographies like location, age, gender and many other preferences before showing you the ads.

Movie and Music Recommendations

Biggest Video library Youtube recommends videos to its users basedon their tastes, likes and based on past history. This recommandations goes on improving by time. similary therea tons of songs being uploaded daily and all the apps also use AI to sort themm according to their genere, artists, Listening history and daily provide you with new set of songs.

Many of these recommendations are those which you are unlikely to know, helping you watch or listen to newer content.


We can conclude that artificial intelligence is probably a part of your daily life in a number of ways. AI is helping humans to lead a more productive and better life.

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