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Another Way to Hate Ye

Ye has just purchased Parler. What happens now?

By Skyler SaundersPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Another Way to Hate Ye
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

The blogosphere, the vlogosphere, the social networks are all ablaze with some sort of headline regarding the artist formerly known as Kanye West. Mr. Louis Vuitton Don has become Ye for multiple reasons.

Among them, it is a renaissance of his spirit in regard to his political ambitions being renewed once again. Another reason is his apparent acceptance of his mother’s death. On multiple occasions, he has corrected people that mistakenly called him “Kane.” His response: “My mama named me Kanye, so you’re going to call me Kanye.” By shrugging off his “slave name” West, he found freedom with a moniker that also means “you.”

His recent purchase of social networking platform Parler has been marred by a whole host of news bits that could derail the musician, father, and son.

Everything from the George Floyd family poised to sue him; Donald Trump calling him crazy; to Boosie suggesting that he is on fentanyl, Ye has a lot to answer for as a new owner of yet another company.

After his Part 3 appearance on Drink Champs, he further aired out his views on Jews. (View the message regarding his prior insensitivity here: Open Letter to Ye: What You’re Not Going to Do)

This is where it gets especially murky. Now that Ye has sloshed in the mud, does he have enough power to rise up from ooze?

To own a platform like Parler is a major turn as it highlights a modest site compared to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It seems like Ye is positioning himself as a little Elon Musk.

This is why both moguls desperately need a proper, rational philosophy. The one that sticks out the most is Objectivism.

Ayn Rand’s thorough, earth-shattering formulation celebrates the virtues of both men. They are artists and scientists and engineers and absolutely productive. Yet, like the blues, there’s always something or things that are problematic in both.

Musk has transformed the world with being part of PayPal, accelerating Tesla, and lifting SpaceX, and potentially Twitter among a myriad of other ventures. Ye has produced in the sense of creating as well. These creations include ten number one albums, a fashion line, his own website, and now Parler.

Ye should be seen as more than just another figurehead to be seen as whole, though. When he starts to use language against groups like the Jews and individuals like George Floyd he finds himself in trouble. Does he court controversy on purpose for clout? Of course. He knows that he will attract attention like ants to spilled sugar.

With the reality that he is a Foundational Black American (FBA) it is important to put into context that Ye ought to be more aware of his stature and ability to project positive values.

By stating something he has no facts or statistics to back up his claims, he finds himself in territory that is beyond his scope of understanding. To say that a man with a knee on his neck died from a fentanyl overdose is particularly egregious.

Former President Donald Trump has even taken note of the once friendly Ye. As he has called him out for his erratic behavior and that he needs “help” shows just how deranged Ye can be.

As fellow rapper Boosie has spoken against Ye, he declares that Ye might be on the drug fentanyl. He went so far as to call Ye a coon. The irony is that Boosie cites that Ye has a grudge against black people with Ye being clearly black.

As he goes forward, it will be seen whether he will be a proponent of Jewish culture and history. If he is wise, Ye will take this opportunity as a social media owner and push out positive notes and arguments backed up with truths.

If he asserts himself as the billion-dollar businessman that he is, Parler may be transformed into a platform that will connect people and have honest discussions concerning pertinent topics. For every sound bite that he issues and all of the contradictions that he states like saying he doesn’t read books but suggests that his audience knows what a “zeitgeist” is. Ye just might do soul-searching. May he one day get Ayn Rand books in his hands. He might just transform once again before our eyes.

We shall see.

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About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

I’ve been writing since I was five-years-old. I didn’t have an audience until I was nine. If you enjoy my work feel free to like but also never hesitate to share. Thank you for your patronage. Take care.


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