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All About Sapphire: September's Birthstone

The Spiritual Meaning Of Sapphire

By Ouros Jewels Published about a year ago 3 min read

The September birthstone, sapphire, is a stunning deep blue gemstone made up of alumina (Al2O3). Sapphires have a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale and are the second hardest stone after diamonds. Due to its exceptional toughness and extremely good light refraction quality, it has been one of the most popular stones used in jewelry for centuries.

The various shades of blue range from cornflower to royal blue, with pinks being named Padparadscha sapphires. Increasingly sapphires are popularly used in modern engagement rings as they can symbolize commitment and faithfulness between couples. Furthermore, they provide an economical alternative to expensive diamond rings while providing similar brilliance when cut properly.

Sapphire's spiritual meaning and symbolism

The spiritual meaning and symbolism associated with sapphire is rich and varied. Representing nobility, truth, sincerity, and faithfulness, the gemstones is known to bring peace of mind, clarity of thought and deeper understanding. A stone of deep inner reflection, sapphire encourages insight into one's true destiny. It also brings patience and discipline in order for a person to effectively navigate life's challenges.

In addition, it can assist a wearer in their pursuit of spiritual knowledge as it can help facilitate a better connection between body and spirit. Furthermore, its healing properties are touted for assisting digestive imbalances, reducing feverish symptoms and relieving pain from tendonitis or sciatica issues. Beyond that, wearing the gemstone may even soothe inflamed emotions or thoughts while promoting fresh perspectives on group dynamics

How To Choose The Right Sapphire For You?

When selecting a sapphire, it is important to take into account the four Cs: carat, clarity, cut and color. Carat determines the stone’s weight rather than its size, with bigger stones typically costing more money. Clarity plays an important role in determining value, as stones with fewer imperfections are usually more valuable. The cut of a sapphire contributes to its sparkle and brilliance - particularly for round or oval cuts - so should be considered when making your selection.

Finally, color plays an integral factor when choosing a gemstone; blue is the most popular shade but other options include yellow and green. Be sure to buy from a reputable retailer for reliable advice on which stone meets your requirements.

Benefits of Sapphire

Sapphire is a gemstone of great value, both in terms of cost and potential benefit. As both a precious gemstone and a durable artificial material, it has a wide range of applications for professional use. It offers good thermal conductivity, which enables greater cooling efficiency in electronic devices, as well as improved electrical insulation and increased strength against wear. Sapphire can also be used to create higher levels of transparency in optics than any other material on the market, making it ideal for optical lenses and scopes.

Additionally, its UV-shielding properties make it useful for creating transparent films that protect against harmful radiations, providing an extra layer of protection for gadgets like laptops, tablets and displays. Overall, sapphire is a valuable material offering unparalleled performance and durability, making it perfect for use in many areas of professional application.


Sapphire is a highly sought-after gemstone distinguished by its luxurious luster and radiance. Revered throughout history, natural sapphires can range in color from cobalt to royal blue, as well as yellow, pink, orange and purple. On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, sapphire is second only to diamond at 9 out of 10.

Further proof of its strength and durability, sapphire is an excellent choice for ring stones that require daily wear as it is scratch resistant. In today's marketplace, complex treatments are also used to enhance a sapphire’s color or clarity; however, nothing can compete with the charisma of an authentic untreated stone.

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About the Creator

Ouros Jewels

We deal in pure and certified lab grown diamonds and jewelry at Ouros Jewels. Founded by Vijay Sarkheliya in 2018, since then we are selling eco-friendly diamonds.

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