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April Birthstone: The Diamond | Meanings and Symbolism

History and Meaning of April's Birthstone

By Ouros Jewels Published about a year ago 4 min read

The April birthstone diamond is renowned for its unrivaled beauty and durability, making it an enduring symbol of romantic love. One of the hardest gems known to humankind, diamonds are a coveted stone often set in rings and other fine jewelry as an expression of loyalty and affection. The diamond's intensity of color can range from near-colorless to a deep yellow hue, each having its own unique characteristics.

Physically strong and scratch resistant, diamonds are highly valued for their sparkle and longevity. Ethically sourced diamonds come without the burden of the human cost associated with some gemstones from conflict zones around the world. Ultimately, an April birthstone diamond manages to balance beauty with signification - symbolizing precious memories and enduring love that last through time with its brilliance and hardness alike.

The Meaning Behind Birthstones

Birthstones are believed to have originated from the Breastplate of Aaron, a religious artifact described in the Bible. The belief is that each of the 12 stones represented the twelve tribes of Israel and were endowed with magical properties to bring strength and protection to its wearer. Over time, this mysticism has evolved into assigning a unique gemstone or stone type to each month of the year.

This serves as a meaningful way to commemorate someone’s birthday and provide them with something special which they can wear close by their heart. Today, birthstones represent both powers as well as beauty - with each stone having its own symbolism often rooted in cultural tradition and lore.

A Brief History Of Diamond

The history of diamonds dates back thousands of years, with archaeological evidence indicating their use as early as 2500 BCE. These precious gems were highly sought-after, used to adorn religious items and demonstrate wealth and social status throughout many cultures. During the Roman Empire diamonds became more accessible due to improved mining practices in India. By the 1400s diamonds had become a popular gift for royalty and nobility from across Europe, lending further credence to its status as a status symbol.

It wasn’t until 1866, when miners discovered significant diamond deposits in South Africa that diamonds began to be available outside royal circles; these new African sources transformed diamonds into an affordable gem for general public use. This remarkable history ties modern diamond appreciation firmly to this ancient source of luxury and makes them an enduring symbol of love and commitment around the world today.

How to choose the best diamond?

When selecting a diamond, it is important to consider key factors such as the cut, color, carat weight, clarity and certification. The cut of the diamond typically determines how light disperses and creates sparkle. Colorless diamonds are often preferred, however there are also colored diamonds available if desired. Carat weight gives an indication of size and quality; however clarity can also make up for this with no two stones being identical in nature.

It is essential to research a diamond prior to purchase and invest in professional certification from one of the respected global grading labs - GIA or AGS - to guarantee the authenticity and quality of your diamond purchase.

Uniquenesses of diamonds

Diamonds are the most popular gemstone and among the rarest, coveted and precious materials in existence. As a result, they possess several unique characteristics that make them highly prized and sought after. Diamonds are characterized by their extreme hardness – being at the very tip of the Moh’s scale at 10. This makes them especially scratch-resistant and ideal for accuracy applications such as diamond cutters for industrial use or for jewelry pieces that need to retain their brilliance over time due to minimal wear.

Additionally, diamonds’ distinct component atoms gives them an array of mesmerizing optical effects from their extraordinary refractive index to billowy halos of dispersion or even flashes of luminescent color when exposed to direct light sources. These alluring phenomenon can transcend any setting, be it on a handcrafted engagement ring or experienced within a museum-style display case.

Final Thoughts

Many people believe that wearing their birthstone can change their luck. While there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, birthstones are thought to have special powers that can bring good fortune to the wearer. Some believe that birthstones can protect against negative energy, while others believe that they can attract positive energy. Whether or not you believe in the powers of birthstones, wearing your birthstone is a great way to show off your unique personality.

Diamonds have long been an enduring symbol of commitment, sophistication, and opulence. As such, they make an ideal choice for those looking to make a timeless statement of eternal sentiment and elevation of style. Whether it is a simple solitaire diamond pendant or an intricate diamond bracelet the symbolism remains the same; diamonds are forever. The beauty and strength of a diamond not only exude grace, but their true essence lies in the fact that they can be kept as heirlooms for generations to come.

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About the Creator

Ouros Jewels

We deal in pure and certified lab grown diamonds and jewelry at Ouros Jewels. Founded by Vijay Sarkheliya in 2018, since then we are selling eco-friendly diamonds.

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