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Fitness Article

By Md. Jalal UddinPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Photo by mr lee on Unsplash

Upon undertaking the challenge of engaging in physical exercise prior to commencing work on a daily basis for a week, I gleaned a plethora of insights. Firstly, I discovered that the most effective means of achieving a restful night's sleep is to exhaust oneself each morning. Secondly, I observed that my productivity levels in the morning are enhanced following a rigorous workout. Lastly, I acknowledged that despite the arduousness of the task, it is advantageous to rouse oneself from slumber in order to complete one's exercise regimen prior to the commencement of the day. Notwithstanding the aforementioned benefits, I encountered four errors during the course of the week which I intend to rectify as I progress on my fitness journey. These oversights encompass both omissions and actions which I would approach differently in future.

Failing to select my attire the preceding evening proved to be an imprudent decision. Although I acquired this practice during my middle school years, I regrettably discontinued it at the onset of the pandemic in 2020, when I, like many others, confined myself to my abode and scarcely ventured outdoors. As my occupation remained office-optional, I became accustomed to donning leisurewear throughout the day, which resulted in a dearth of fashionable ensembles. However, during my exercise regimen, I began rising approximately 90 minutes earlier than my customary time, rendering it more convenient to choose my attire the night before. This enabled me to simply arise from my slumber the following day, don my garments, and depart without delay.

Nonetheless, on one occasion, I was so fatigued from an extended day that I neglected to arrange my attire for the ensuing day. I surmised that I could simply choose my garments the next morning. Regrettably, this decision resulted in a depletion of precious time, causing me to depart at least 15 minutes later than intended. Consequently, I was compelled to hasten back to my abode after exercising, leaving me feeling anxious prior to commencing work.

I refrained from consuming any food prior to engaging in physical activity. Typically, I do not have a substantial appetite for breakfast. However, I noticed that following my exercise routine, I experienced extreme hunger or occasionally felt slightly lightheaded. As per the Mayo Clinic, it is advised to consume a nutritious breakfast rich in carbohydrates before commencing a workout, as this can potentially enhance performance by enabling individuals to exercise for longer durations and/or with greater intensity.

If I had consumed either a breakfast bar or a protein shake prior to my workout, it is plausible that I would have experienced heightened energy levels, potentially preventing the exhaustion I encountered post-exercise.

Instead, I found myself hurrying to the nearest coffee establishment in order to procure an egg sandwich.

Regrettably, I failed to bring an additional set of garments to my academic sessions, thereby rendering me incapable of utilizing their bathing facilities.

Typically, I tend to steer clear of locker rooms at the gym. However, I was pleasantly taken aback by the shower facilities at Rumble Boxing, which happened to be one of the fitness classes I attended during the week. Despite having visited this establishment previously, I had not required the use of the locker room and thus, had not been privy to the quality of their shower amenities.

Upon my decision to acquaint myself with the amenities prior to my 8 a.m. class, I was pleasantly surprised to find the shower facilities to be impeccably clean, equipped with top-tier products, and remarkably unoccupied. It was at that moment that I deeply regretted my oversight in neglecting to bring along a pair of flip-flops and a change of attire, as it would have allowed me to conveniently avail myself of the showering facilities. Given the perspiration accumulated during the rigorous boxing and mixed cardio session, the opportunity to promptly cleanse myself would have undoubtedly invigorated and prepared me for the day ahead.

Instead, upon returning to my apartment, I had to patiently await a suitable break in my morning schedule in order to finally indulge in a shower, consequently enduring a considerable degree of discomfort for a significant portion of the morning.

I have also come to the realization that it is not advisable to be excessively critical of oneself for occasionally missing a day.

On the final day of the challenge, I found myself struggling to rise from my bed. The reason being that the previous night, I had engagements that kept me out until nearly midnight. I was disheartened that I did not adhere to my running regimen and instead opted for a leisurely walk. However, upon introspection, I recognized that it is unreasonable to demand an impeccable workout routine every morning. Achieving wellness entails striking a balance, and allocating time for socializing and enjoyment is a significant aspect of leading a gratifying life.

Purchasing more affordable breakfast bars in lieu of costly sandwiches at cafes, preselecting my attire in advance, and packing spare clothing and flip-flops for showering at the gym were all actions that I ought to have undertaken in order to optimize my morning routine. Additionally, I have come to realize the importance of being kind to myself and avoiding excessive self-imposed pressure.

Despite these errors, I discovered that engaging in morning exercise proved to be advantageous due to the multitude of health benefits it offered, as well as the subsequent increase in productivity I experienced throughout the week. Henceforth, I intend to allocate additional time during the evening to facilitate a smoother morning routine, thereby simplifying my life.

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    MJUWritten by Md. Jalal Uddin

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