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A simple guide where to begin when studying cybersecurity

A course in cybersecurity fundamentals can be challenging to navigate, considering the breadth of topics.

By Abraham VerninacPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
A simple guide where to begin when studying cybersecurity
Photo by Dan Nelson on Unsplash

Cybersecurity is a very broad subject which requires knowing many different things to understand an attacker and their techniques. Studying cybersecurity can appear to be a big and intimidating subject but it really doesn't have to be. Learning the basics of security will give you all the nessisary knowledge to be able to perform a pentest, know how hackers operate and most importantly, understand why they operate that way.

This article will provide some general information on what you should study in order to better understand this complex world.

Try to find a regular user online who posts about security topics and learn from them.

Cybersecurity is a broad topic, and it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin. The good news is that there are tons of resources available to help you. Here are a few places you can look: Cybersecurity experts on social media. Some of them post regularly about topics like malware trends, vulnerabilities, and other security issues.

You can follow them on Twitter or subscribe to their blogs. Online courses in cybersecurity. There are many free courses available online from universities such as MIT and Stanford. Coursera and edX also host some excellent courses for free (or for a small fee). You can also search for "cybersecurity" on Udemy or iTunesU if you want a paid course with certificates of completion.

Books on cybersecurity topics. There are many books available online or at bookstores that cover different aspects of cybersecurity — everything from cryptography to network security and more!

Once you are ready, have a go at some of the free online resources available.

Cybersecurity is a topic that is constantly evolving and changing. The definition of cybersecurity is “the protection of electronic information and resources through the use of computers, networks and other devices.” Cybersecurity professionals are responsible for protecting our data and information, as well as making sure we can do our jobs effectively.

Cybersecurity is a broad field that covers a variety of topics. There are many different areas you could study when it comes to cybersecurity. This guide will give you an idea of what these areas are, and where to begin your studies. What does a career in cybersecurity look like? A career in cybersecurity can be very rewarding, especially if you love technology!

As a cybersecurity professional, you will be required to keep up with current trends and technologies — which means staying up-to-date on new developments in the industry (or even coming up with new ones). You may also be tasked with designing systems or programs that can detect security breaches before they happen.

If this sounds like something you would enjoy doing then read on! How do I get started studying cybersecurity? There are many different ways to get started studying cybersecurity if this is something that interests you.

Try to get involved on social media so that you can engage with the community you want to be part of.

Cybersecurity is a complex and ever-changing field. It can be hard to know where to begin when studying cybersecurity. The good news is that there are lots of different ways you can get involved in the world of cybersecurity. Here are some of my favorite ways to get started: Get Involved with Social Media One way I like to learn about cyber security is by following industry leaders on social media.

I also like to engage with them and ask questions about what they do and why they do it. You can find people on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and many other platforms that are passionate about cyber security. The best part about this approach is that it gives you a chance to get involved with the community that you want to be part of.

Read Books About Cyber Security There are many great books out there that cover all aspects of cyber security from fundamental principles to advanced topics like cryptography and malware analysis.

Find a mentor and learn from them.

Cybersecurity is a broad field, with many different types of jobs. If you're just starting out, it can be hard to know where to start. If you're not sure where to go next, here are some tips for where to begin studying cybersecurity: Find a mentor and learn from them.

You can find mentors in person or online. In-person mentors can help guide you with your career path and answer any questions that come up along the way. Online mentors can sometimes offer advice on more specific topics, but they might not be able to offer as much personal guidance.

Explore cybersecurity certifications and degrees. While not required for every job in cybersecurity, certifications and degrees can help you stand out from other applicants for certain positions. Take cybersecurity courses at college or university. Many colleges offer certificate programs in information security or cyber defense that teach students about the latest technologies and best practices for protecting against hackers and data breaches.

Get volunteering experience if possible.

Cybersecurity is a wide-ranging field, with many different types of jobs and opportunities. Some of the most common careers in the industry include: Security analysts - These professionals work at companies to identify, respond to and mitigate cyber threats. They may also conduct audits, monitor networks and systems for vulnerabilities, and provide recommendations for improving security measures.

Information security analysts - These analysts work for companies that have large volumes of sensitive data that needs protecting. They usually have strong technical skills, but may also have management responsibilities. Security engineers - Security engineers design and develop tools and processes used by other cybersecurity professionals to detect and prevent network breaches.

They may also be responsible for configuring or troubleshooting systems or networks. Network architects - Network architects design networks (both physical and virtual) that meet security requirements while supporting business needs like scalability, reliability, availability and performance.

All in All...

However, it is crucial to understand that no college degree in cyber security will guarantee that you will enter the job market as a cyber expert. Instead, getting a degree should be viewed as the first step in a much more complex and challenging process of becoming an elite cyber expert.

Your time and effort are always going to be the most valuable investments you make when studying cyber security. Sticking to your studies, learning the tools of the trade and investing your time wisely inside and outside of the classroom will go a long way towards honing both your skill set and your knowledge base.

So just like with any college major, never quit learning!


About the Creator

Abraham Verninac

🤓 I am an entrepreneur who builds brands/influencer. And I want to chat with anyone that is interested in starting their own business/brand or who wants to take it to the next level! You can message me anytime!

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