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3 Simple Ways to Boost Affiliate Conversion Rates

optimized for SEO

By Mary GathegePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

You've accomplished all of the necessary preparations, including conducting thorough keyword research, writing a high-quality blog article, publishing it, and letting it sit for a few months. Now that this blog piece is finally getting some much-needed love and momentum from Google, people are pouring into the content you created months ago.

However, while receiving a steady stream of traffic, your blog article fails to convert those new visitors to your desired landing page — and, more significantly, into affiliate sales.

It's one thing to write a blog post that's optimized for SEO. Is it possible to write a blog post that turns readers into buyers? That's a completely different animal. Conversion rate optimization (or CRO for short) is an entirely other notion that bloggers must gradually understand.

However, regardless of your prior knowledge of CRO, there are a few simple tweaks that bloggers (especially those in Fiverr's affiliate program) may make to improve their conversion rates right away.

In this article, we'll show you how to use three basic methods in your content right now to boost your conversion rates in our affiliate program:

1 – Add the Fiverr Gig Ads Widget to your website.

Visualization is a fantastic tool to have in your blogging toolbox. Most professional bloggers would never publish a piece without at least two or three images and videos, and it's because it makes your material more consumable (rather than pages upon paragraphs) and engaging.

The new Gig Ads Widget from Fiverr is a straightforward approach to meet both visual and conversion goals at the same time. The widget accomplishes this by incorporating Fiverr's most popular services directly into your website's content.

Consider the following scenario: you have a comprehensive logo design lesson that includes step-by-step directions on how to create a new logo.

You have a section after the training where you give options to designing your own logo, and Fiverr is one among those alternatives.

Instead than merely providing a standard affiliate link in this part, you may now show your users:

This gorgeous carousel is far more noticeable and eye-catching than any other feature you may employ. And it's all clickable, complete with your own affiliate link.

Read this article from our blog to discover more about the Gig Ads Widget.

2. Including testimonials from customers in your article

Customer testimonials play a crucial role in the customer journey of each new buyer.

In fact, when asked how important it is to read internet reviews before making a purchase, 38 percent of respondents said "very important," and another 19 percent said "very crucial," according to this Statista.com study.

Based on those figures, adding a few customer testimonials to pertinent areas of their article is a simple way to enhance conversion rates that I see relatively few bloggers actually do.

It doesn't need to be something extravagant. It isn't even necessary for it to be text-based. A simple screenshot like the one below can go a long way toward improving your visitor's sense of security, as long as it's included in the relevant area where you discuss the specific seller.

3. Deep links are more crucial than you might believe.

When it comes to simple techniques to boost the conversion rate of your money posts, I can't ignore the value of deep links.

When it comes to connecting, I see far too many bloggers take the easy and lazy approach. They write an essay advertising a certain affiliate product and include dozens of links throughout it, but all of the links are generic and route the user to the home page.

Put yourself in your visitors' shoes if you want to boost the conversion rate of your content. Would you be content to click on a home-page link in a section about animation videos or in a section about a certain seller? Certainly not!

We can detect a clear link between the use of deep links and enhanced metrics throughout the purchasing funnel based on our data. If our goal is to boost the conversion rate, it is our obligation as bloggers to make the consumer experience and transfer to the advertiser's site as seamless as feasible.

On Fiverr, here's how to make a deep link (to a specific Gig or category page):

1. Select "Default and deep links" from the "Marketing tools" menu.

2. Using the "LP URL" button, type in your chosen URL.

3. Click the "copy click URL" button to copy your deep link.

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