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3 Signs Your Car Needs Suspension Service

Good Car for Good Moments

By SatnamPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


Your car's suspension is what allows it to drive smoothly, but it can also be a sign of trouble. When your car starts showing signs of trouble, you need to take immediate action and visit the shop. Here are three signs that your car's suspension needs service:

Your car pulls to the side when you drive

If your car pulls to the side when you drive, it means that one of the wheels is not aligned correctly. This can be a sign that your suspension needs service.

If your car drives straight, but pulls to one side or another when making turns, this may be an indication of worn shock absorbers or struts in need of repair.

If you notice that your car pulls to the left or right when driving straight down the road, it could mean that one of its wheels is bent and needs to be realigned with special equipment at a shop.

Your tires wear unevenly

You can tell your suspension is worn out if your tires wear unevenly.

If you're driving and notice that one side of the car feels lower than the other, or if one tire appears to be wearing faster than others, it may mean that some kind of suspension problem is causing this unevenness.

When a car's suspension system breaks down over time, it can cause the tires to wear unevenly due to improper alignment. If a mechanic has not aligned your car recently, then this could be the root cause of any issues you're experiencing with tire wear and tear.

In addition to being bent out of alignment on their rims by improper suspension workmanship or damage from road conditions and weathering—as well as faulty wheel balancing at point-of-sale purchase—you might also find that some wheels are slightly off balance due to manufacturing defects in certain types of tires (for example: bias ply versus radials).

Your steering wheel vibrates

A noticeable vibration in your steering wheel could be a sign of loose or broken parts. Loose or broken parts can cause a car to steer erratically, which can put you at risk of an accident. Moreover, loose and broken parts can also cause damage to other parts of your vehicle. If you suspect that your steering wheel is vibrating because of this issue, it’s best to have your car checked by a mechanic as soon as possible so that any potential problems can be identified and fixed before they become too serious.

If your car is displaying any of these signs, then it is time to visit the shop

The steering wheel shudders when you turn. This can be caused by worn or broken suspension components that affect the alignment of your vehicle.

Your tires wear unevenly or have visible tread separation. Worn suspension components can cause an unbalance in weight distribution, which leads to tire wear on one side of your vehicle more than another.

You experience roughness over bumps and potholes in the road, especially when going over 60 mph. A worn out shock absorber is not going to absorb as much shock from hitting a bump in the road as it should, so instead it bounces you around inside your car instead of smoothing out this motion for you like a new shock absorber would do (or should).


If your car is displaying any of these signs, then it is time to visit the shop. Skiptown Mobile provides the best suspension repair services and makes sure everything is in good working order. The sooner you get it checked out, the less likely that something major will break down later down the road!


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