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Namibia Just Taught Germany a Hard Lesson

Germany supported Israel in ICJ!

By ANDRE AFRIKANERPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

Do Western Countries Fear Africa? Western nations, who were once regarded as fearless on the international scene, now find themselves

surprised by The Stance Following South Africa, African countries are engaging in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Since South Africa brought Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Namibia has become a source of irritation for the Western nation. Germany abruptly entered the dispute and voiced its opinion on the issue it was not a party to, without offering any supporting documentation or a counterargument. Germans pronounced Israel to be innocent, and Namibia could not keep quiet about this. Namibia, which is accustomed to being under observation from Western nations, is taking advantage of the chance to speak up for others who are unable to do so because they have witnessed violence from Western Powers. Namibia is not going to back down.

It concerns Germany's erratic decision to support Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), although

Why is Namibia so enraged? What is the history of this rage? Namibia's rage is rooted in a historical relationship rather than being a sporadic outburst of emotion.

When Germany was my colonial overlord, it was not a cordial relationship; there were land seizures, oppression, and a great deal of animosity. Fast forward to the present day, when Namibia is an independent country, but the wounds from the past are still very much there. Namibia will respond, of course, when Germany leaps into the fray to defend Israel in opposition to the story of Africa as a whole, but Germany has not backed Israel alone.

genocide with a background rich in conflict and reconciliation

Germany saw a chance to demonstrate its

diplomatic Powers, but remember that Germany is acting as a third party in this situation; they are not the main characters. Furthermore, why did South Africa decide to blame Israel in the first place? Is it just a matter of pointing fingers? In the end, everything comes down to intricate international relations. Recognized for its robust human rights advocacy, South Africa decided to hold Israel responsible for its deeds; they weren't holding back, accusing Israel of violating the.

why Germany might have been under pressure from the Western Block as a whole at this time

the realm of international politics Alliances are important, and backing Israel might be one way for Germany to join the wider Western position. Another factor is the concern over a cascading effect. Because of South Africa's back Palestine, other countries may follow suit to stop this possible change in direction. Germany may have made the strategic decision to support Israel to keep the balance of power in the region, but Hamas, a Palestinian resistance organization, has urged Germany to reconsider its backing of Israel in the ICJ genocide case. This appeal isn't just a local one; rather, it represents the wider international impact of Germany's

a show of feeling, but a moral objection to what it perceives as a moral concession of core principles in

supporting Palestine and opposing Germany's latest decision Namibia's criticism of Germany and Israel is a strong statement about the continuing importance of morality and ethics in world affairs.

Justified: Do other countries endorse this story? the international reaction to Israel's genocide lawsuit at the International Court of Justice ICJ offers a range of viewpoints.

More than fifty nations, mostly from Africa and the Arab world, have backed South Africa's claim that Israel violated the genocide treaty while waging war on the Gaza Strip. The OIC is an alliance of Islamic countries that includes countries like Saudi Arabia. Iran Morocco and Pakistan.

Notably, two significant nations that have supported Palestine are China and Russia.

however, no Western nation has formally endorsed South Africa's accusations against Israel. The majority of the countries supporting South Africa's case are from the Arab world, and Turkey stands out as the only European nation to publicly support the genocide allegations against Israel. As a result, most of the country believes that what Israel is doing is wrong and criticizes its actions, including Namibia. It won't be incorrect to say that Namibia's actions are justified. Do you think Namibia should be upset with Germany for supporting Israel when there?


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