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My anointing is here

yes is the best

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 19 days ago β€’ 3 min read
My anointing is here
Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

The desert wind whispered secrets through the fronds of the palm trees. Sarah squinted against the relentless sun, her weathered face etched with a mixture of determination and apprehension. For years, she had dreamt of this moment, the day her anointing would arrive.

Growing up in the nomadic village, nestled between the harsh dunes and the endless sky, stories of the anointed ones had been her lullaby. They were chosen, touched by a divine spark, destined to lead the people out of hardship to a promised land. Sarah, from a young age, felt a stirring within her, a yearning for something more, a deep connection to the whispering wind and the star-strewn nights.

Today, the caravan awaited, a sea of tents shimmering like mirages in the heat. The elders, their faces like ancient maps etched with time, gathered around Sarah. The air crackled with anticipation. The village shaman, a wizened woman with eyes that held the wisdom of the desert itself, stepped forward.

"Sarah," she rasped, her voice a dry whisper, "the omens have spoken. You are the one we have waited for, the vessel chosen by the heavens."

Sarah's heart pounded in her chest. A sense of awe mingled with a flicker of fear. "But…how do I know? What is my anointing?"

The shaman gestured towards a weathered chest at the center of the gathering. With a heavy thud, it was opened, revealing not gold or jewels, but a simple clay tablet. Its surface was etched with swirling symbols, alien and mesmerizing.

"This," the shaman declared, "is your calling. You must decipher the message hidden within, for it holds the key to our future."

Disappointment washed over Sarah. This wasn't the grand revelation she had envisioned. A tablet filled with cryptic symbols felt underwhelming compared to the tales of mythical swords or fiery visions. Yet, there was a power about the tablet, a sense of destiny swirling around its worn surface.

The journey that followed was arduous. Days bled into weeks as the caravan journeyed across the unforgiving landscape. Sarah poured over the tablet, her frustration mounting with each passing hour. The symbols remained unyielding, mocking her with their mystery.

One night, beneath a canopy of stars brighter than any she had ever seen, Sarah felt a change. Desolation had given way to a quiet resolve. She closed her eyes, focusing not on deciphering the symbols but understanding the feeling they evoked. It was a journey, a map to something greater, a whisper of hope amidst the arid sands.

The first breakthrough came in a dream. The symbols danced before her, shifting and swirling, forming constellations in the night sky. Sarah awoke with a gasp, a clarity washing over her. The tablet wasn't a map to a physical location, but a guide to a path within.

Days turned into weeks, and slowly, the message unfolded. It wasn't a place they needed to find, but a change they had to make. The symbols spoke of healing the land, of nurturing life in the harshest of environments. They were not searching for a new land, but a way to revitalize their own

With newfound purpose, Sarah began to share her understanding. She spoke of forgotten techniques for water conservation, of planting drought-resistant crops, of fostering a reverence for the delicate balance of the desert life. The elders listened, skepticism waning with each word. The youth, eager for change, embraced her ideas wholeheartedly.

The transformation was gradual yet profound. The nomads stopped viewing the desert as an enemy and began to understand the intricate web of life that thrived beneath its harsh facade. They learned to coexist, not just survive. Sarah became a leader, not through divine power or mythical weapons, but through knowledge, compassion, and a deep connection to the land itself.

Years later, the once-barren landscape had begun to show signs of life. Patches of green dotted the sand dunes, a testament to their efforts. Sarah stood on a hillock, the setting sun painting the sky in fiery hues. The wind whispered through the newly planted trees, a song of hope and resilience.

Her anointing wasn't a flashy spectacle or a magic touch. It was a spark of understanding, a connection that allowed her to lead her people not out of the desert, but to live within it, in harmony with its harsh beauty. The true power, she realized, wasn't the message on the tablet, but the courage to decipher it, the will to change, and the love for the land that sustained them. The desert, once a symbol of hardship, had become a testament to the enduring human spirit, a testament to Sarah's anointing.

Tegal, central java indonesia 4/5/24


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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