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5 Best Good Luck Plants for Your Home

If you're looking for a way to boost your luck—and who isn't?—adding good luck plants to your home decor might be just what you need.

By Emily GardenarPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Whether you embrace the feng shui principle that plants bring good energy to your home or simply love being surrounded by beautiful low-maintenance plants, greenery brings instant warmth and coziness to any room of the house.

Prosperity, peace, and health aren't the only things good luck plants will bring into your home. Plenty of studies have found that plants really are good for us—both emotionally and physically. Tons of research has shown that plants boost mood, improve sleep, and help us feel happier and less isolated. Good health and good luck? We're on board!

When shopping, pay attention to the conditions your indoor plants need because a dying plant definitely isn't going to bring you good luck! For starters, give it the right amount of light; that typically means an east-, west-, or south-facing window. If your rooms are dark or windowless, use a grow light. Then be prudent about watering. More plants die from overwatering than underwatering. To avoid drowning your plant, poke your finger in the soil before giving it a drink; if soil clings to your finger, it’s probably still moist enough. Wait a few more days, then recheck.

01. Lucky Bamboo

Despite its name, this actually isn't a bamboo plant. It's a type of dracaena that has the lower foliage stripped off to resemble bamboo! The good news is that it's incredibly easy to grow, so it's perfect for plant parents of all experience levels.

Lucky bamboo does best in medium to bright indirect light but will tolerate low light. If yours is growing in a container of water, change the water weekly. In soil, keep it slightly moist.

02. Oxalis

Oxalis, or lucky shamrock plant, is associated with St. Patrick's Day and is said to bring good luck to the home. With three-lobed green or burgundy foliage and delicate flowers that bloom for weeks and weeks, these seasonal favorites are long lived and low maintenance.

Give it bright, indirect light, and let it dry out slightly between waterings. Also, be aware that some species of this plant go dormant a few times a year. When you notice the leaves turn pale and drop off, stop watering it, place it in a dark spot, and leave it alone. When you notice new growth, move it back into the light and resume watering.

03 . Pilea

The glossy, coin-shaped leaves of a pilea plant (aka Chinese money plant) are purported to bring wealth and luck. It's also super easy to propagate and share with loved ones, which lends a sense of prosperity to the giver. Give it bright, indirect light, and water when it feels mostly dry.

04. Money Tree

Also called Pachira aquatica, this sturdy plant prefers medium to bright indirect light but will tolerate low light levels just fine too. As you might suspect given its name, it's said to bring its owner wealth and often given to new businesses to wish them good fortune. Some even consider money trees to be the luckiest houseplants of all.

Rotate the pot once a week so that the branches will grow evenly, and water when the top inch or two of soil feels dry.

05. Peace Lily

It's no surprise that this elegant plant is purported to bring harmony to your home. Peace lilies have glossy green leaves and pretty white spoon-shaped flowers if they get sufficient light. Give it bright, indirect light, though it will adapt to lower light levels (it just won't flower as much). Keep the soil lightly moist. Avoid this plant if you're a pet owner, since it's especially toxic to cats.

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