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11 Things Highly Productive Ghostwriters Do Not Do

A revolutionary approach for aspiring ghostwriters

By Rick MartinezPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Photo via Unsplash

Despite everyone's busy schedule, some people seem to manage it effortlessly.

The folks who live and breathe productivity know that it’s not about working harder but rather smartly. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a student, an entrepreneur, or a ghostwriter—we can all benefit from being more productive.

The burning question is: How do they do it? How do the pros do it?

You know, the folks who write full-time and make a good living doing it. At least, that's how I define a "pro" ghostwriter—the creme de la creme.

The secret to their success may lie less in what they do and more in what they don't do.

Let's dive deep into the habits they avoid and explore how these omissions shape their success.

1. Say "Yes!" to saying "No."

Why is it that when someone throws a task our way, we turn into bobblehead dolls, nodding away?

Put a stop to the "yes" marathon and save some energy for what's really important - keeping your writing spark bright and shiny.

2. No to Writing Marathons, Yes to Coffee Breaks.

What's with this notion that writers need to work around the clock like some literary version of the Energizer Bunny?

Nah, we're more like sprinters. And by sprinters, I mean people who write in short bouts and take coffee breaks. Lots of them.

3. Consistency over Chaos.

You know how you never ignore your lunch schedule?

Yeah, try doing that with your writing routine. Ignoring it, I mean. It’s just as important, and strangely enough, the pros live by that rule.

They know their words and ideas better when they write at a consistent pace—little by little and bit by bit.

4. The Urgency Illusion.

Just because your email's screaming "urgent" doesn't mean it's a five-alarm fire you need to put out.

Sometimes, it's just a cat stuck in a virtual tree. Learn to tell the difference and keep your eyes on the prize - your long-term writing goals.

5. Accountability, Not Hide-and-Seek.

Remember when we were kids and blamed the dog for our missing homework?

Well, as ghostwriters, we have to own up to our work, even when it barks back. Don't shy away from criticism - it's like free advice, only more painful.

6. It's Called Mental Health, Not Mental Heist.

Your mind isn't a bank vault that you can keep dipping into without any deposits.

So, let's stop ignoring mental health like it’s the telemarketer of our bodily functions. Embrace mindfulness practices, and remember, stress-busting is not just for Ghostbusters.

7. Cruise Control Isn’t Your Co-Pilot.

If you’re a writer on autopilot, your creative flight is about to crash land into the land of monotony.

Mix things up a bit, and seek new experiences. Trust me; you don't want to be the writer equivalent of plain vanilla.

8. Complaints: The Never-Ending Story.

Venting might feel good, but it doesn’t solve much.

Except, of course, if you’re a hot air balloon. Don't dwell on problems unless you're writing a drama. Be an action hero. Tackle those challenges!

9. Who Wants a Desk of Chaos?

They say a cluttered desk is a sign of genius.

I say it’s a sign of lost car keys and coffee stains. Keep your workspace as clean as your underwear (well, assuming you do WEAR them) set. Just remember, a tidy workspace equals tidier writing.

10. Values Are Your Compass.

Know your values; they're like your GPS for navigating priorities.

And remember, in your writing journey, it's always better to be the driver and not the backseat driver.

11. Fear Is Not A Muse.

Successful ghostwriters don’t cozy up with fear and insecurities.

They'd rather dance with their strengths and dreams. If you're busy focusing on the type of writer you don't want to be, you won't have time to become the ghostwriter you could be. Now, that’s a plot twist no one wants to read.

The final word

The road to becoming a successful ghostwriter is less about adopting more practices and more about discarding the habits that hinder your progress.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can unlock your potential and elevate your writing journey. Remember, every 'don't' you adopt opens the door to a 'do' that brings you one step closer to your goal.

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About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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