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Why are New Car Prices High in India?

What causes new car prices in India to be so high?

By Rowth AutosPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

People are always concerned with prices. We see prices for new cars rapidly increasing. It has multiple reasons for high prices in India. Companies always come with new models and trims. They used various spare parts in the manufacturing of cars. When the cost of these products rises, it affects the price.

Reasons for Increased Prices

Most companies stop manufacturing cars during COVID-19. The labor also goes to their places. After this, prices are high for every product. The prices are high for raw materials, semiconductors, and other parts. The supply chain was also interrupted because of lockdown. The companies also hike on-road prices.

Manufacturers use many types of raw materials in cars. The Indian government also imposes various taxes on raw materials. The prices of raw materials increase because of taxes. Companies need to use these parts in cars. It affects the costs of cars. The rate of diesel or petrol also increases. As a result, transportation costs also increase.

The cost of these parts is high. When companies use high-priced raw materials, it affects car prices. All things are interrelated. In case the price of one part is high, it affects others. It influences the prices of cars. We know companies take costs from customers. They do not use any money from their pocket. Buyers pay all costs while buying new cars.

Car companies also take hidden costs from customers. It comes with hike prices for cars. Most of the time, the user pays these costs in various ways. We think the prices of cars are very high. It involved different factors in rising prices.

Buyers need to pay more prices for cars because of high fuel costs and vehicle prices. Many car companies such as Audi, Mercedes, Tata Motors plan to hike prices in the coming year.

The prices of cars in India are subject to various factors that can cause fluctuations in the market. One such reason for hiking prices is the increase in shipping tariffs. As the cost of transporting goods across borders increases, car manufacturers may pass on these additional costs to customers, resulting in higher prices.

Another factor contributing to the increase in car prices is the current global shortage of semiconductors, a crucial component used in the production of modern cars. This shortage has affected several industries, including the automotive industry, causing a delay in the production and delivery of new cars. As a result, car manufacturers may need to increase prices to make up for the loss in production.

The hike prices of cars result from these parts. Many car companies plan to increase car prices. Customers have to pay more prices for new cars. We know people are worried about hike prices. Many platforms give you attractive offers to buy new cars.

RowthAutos is a unique virtual platform that aims to simplify the car-buying process for customers by helping them get the best deals at the best prices. The process is simple and hassle-free. Customers can select any model and brand of car they desire, and the experts at RowthAutos will take care of the rest.

The team at RowthAutos uses their expertise and industry knowledge to bargain with all the dealers across India to get the best possible price for their customers. This means that customers can rest assured that they are getting the best options at road prices, without having to worry about any sudden price hikes.


In conclusion, while there may be several reasons for the increased prices of cars in India, it is important to focus on getting the best deals and prices available in the market. RowthAutos is a great platform to help customers in this regard, as they take the stress out of the car-buying process and ensure that customers get the best deals on their dream cars. With new prices and offers coming up all the time, it's always a good time to take advantage of these deals and buy a new car from trusted platforms like RowthAutos.


About the Creator

Rowth Autos

By using the RowthAutos.com Virtual Car-buying Platform, customers can compare new and used car prices and find the best deal. Customers can purchase cars with 100% car home delivery from authorized new car dealers in their territory.

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