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Top 3 Reasons Why Your Radiator Fails

Reasons Why Radiator Fails

By Aarush KhatriPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The radiator is a key component of your car and let’s face it, every car produces heat. In the absence of proper cooling measures, your car not only overheats but is also at a potential risk of catching fire which can be lethal.

This is why radiators are more important than you think. It works as the most robust line of defense to safeguard your car from overheating, but do you know that even your car radiator might fail which isn’t a good thing to happen?

Radiator manufacturer in Ahmedabad say that to keep your car functioning properly and away from potential problems, you must know how your radiator functions and the major radiator problems you should avoid.

Functioning of a Car Radiator

Radiators are basically heat exchangers made of aluminum or another conductive material. The radiator of your car pumps the coolant into fins (small tubes). These fins are exposed to the air that circulates through the front area of your car. With constant usage, the radiator that’s made of thin tubes and a coolant pumping system gets prone to failures.

If you do not take timely measures to fix small problems, these problems might snowball into big problems causing the radiator to eventually fail.

Below, you can see a few common problems that may cause the radiator to fail.

1. Overheating

More often than not the radiator of your car fails because of overheating and hence you must not ignore the signs your car radiator shows. Usually, your car operates at 90c to 105c and when it gets even hotter, it is more likely to cause damage to your car radiator causing it to fail. Steam rising from your car engine is one of the telltale signs of your car radiator facing problems.

Repairing your car radiator is always a good idea and less expensive than replacing it and that’s why FTH industries recommend you to not ignore the heat gauge readings.

Read Also: Factors to Consider Before Purchasing Car Radiators?

2. Blocked radiator fins

As discussed earlier, radiator fins pump hot coolant into the thin pipes made of metal after which cold air cools the metal and thus reduces the coolant’s heat. This is how the heat is managed inside your car engine; however, with constant usage, these fins might get blocked hindering the proper circulation of air. These fins could be blocked due to large pollen pieces, soot, dirt, and even leaves. The build-up accumulating over longer periods can cause your radiator to fail.

As long as the problem is fixed in a timely manner, it won't be a major issue. You can use a garden hose equipped with a diffuser nozzle to rinse out the accumulated debris stuck in the radiator.

3. Damaged radiator fins

Another common problem associated with your radiator fins could give you a hard time. If the fins are mildly bent, you can use duck bill pliers to get them back to their normal shape; however, in case of extensive warping or damage, you would need to replace the radiator altogether. This may require the services of a good garage in order to be addressed in a timely manner.

Radiator exporters in Ahmedabad say that your car radiator is no less than what the heart is to the human body and you should never ignore the signs indicating it requires to be inspected by a professional. The cost of replacing a radiator is always far higher than the cost of repairing these common problems.

For more information about radiator problems, feel free to connect with FTH industries.

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About the Creator

Aarush Khatri

FTH Industries is a market-leading Radiator manufacturer and supplier in Ahmedabad, India. We provide high-quality cooling equipment for Automotive and Industrial applications.

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