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How to Get a New Car After Totaling Yours

After all, there's probably a bit of anger or frustration that you now have to deal with this issue in the first place, since shopping for a new car can be a difficult task.

By Carlos FoxPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

If you've just been in an accident where your car was totaled, the range of emotions you feel can make it challenging to think clearly. After all, there's probably a bit of anger or frustration that you now have to deal with this issue in the first place, since shopping for a new car can be a difficult task.

On the other hand, you're probably also relieved that you've made it out in one piece if your car hasn't. Even so, it can be hard to see the path forward when it comes to finding a new vehicle to drive. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you need to shop for a new car after totaling yours.

Speak With Your Insurance Agent

Before you can determine that your car was actually totaled in an accident, you'll need to speak with your insurer. If you've been in an accident serious enough to warrant this kind of damage, you'll want to make sure to trade insurance information with anyone else involved in the accident and call the police so that you can get statements from each accident victim as well as any witnesses. This allows you to file a car accident claim with your insurance company to initiate the claims process.

Your insurer will then assess the situation and consult with a mechanic to see if the damage to your car truly exceeds the value of the vehicle. As long as you have comprehensive and collision coverage, you'll be able to have your insurer pay out the value of the repairs from your policy. This allows you to use that money to buy a new car.

Don't Be Afraid to Shop Outside Your State

If you're able to use a rental car to get around for the time it takes to find the perfect replacement, don't be afraid to shop outside the city you live in. In some situations, you may want an identical replacement instead of a new car, in which case you may need to look farther away than the few dealerships around you. If you do end up finding a good deal on a car that's out of state, Easy Car Shipping can get the vehicle from point A to point B.

Whether you're choosing to ship the car on an open or covered transport, Easy Car Shipping offers an online quote calculator so you can see what the cost will be ahead of time. This makes it easier to negotiate with whoever you're buying the car from since you can factor that cost into the overall purchase price.

Talk to a Legal Team

Depending on the severity of the accident, you may want to talk to a law firm to see about getting fair compensation for any other property damage or injury you faced as a victim. If you weren't at fault for the accident, an attorney can act in your best interest to determine negligence and get some of the costs of your medical treatment covered. Talk to a car accident attorney about a free consultation if you want to learn what the success rate might be for your case.

As you can see, you have a couple of paths to consider when you're looking to get a new car after yours has been totaled. From discussing the issue with your insurance company to getting a free consultation from a car accident lawyer, there are different things you should consider if you want to have your new car paid for by another party.

That being said, if you want to find the car of your dreams and make lemonade out of lemons, it's a good idea to consider shopping outside your city or state if necessary. While having your car totaled can be a stressful situation to have to deal with, with the right focus you can make the best out of the unfortunate circumstances.

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