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10 Facts About Driving You Didn’t Know

Answering the important questions like how long it would take to drive to the moon, and whether you can eat roadkill.

By Brandi IvyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo Credit: https://pixabay.com/users/skitterphoto-324082/

If You Could Drive to the Moon, It Would Take 6 Months

If it were possible to drive straight upwards--and there were gas stations along the way--it would take slightly less than six months to drive to the moon at a steady 60 mph. That is, if you don’t make any pit stops for snacks or restroom breaks along the way.

It’s Legal To Drive With Alcohol In Some States

While driving with over 0.08% blood alcohol content is illegal in all cases, laws vary when it comes to open containers in the cab while driving. In some counties of Mississippi, it is legal to drink alcohol while driving as long as your BAC stays below the legal limit. In Louisiana, the daiquiri shops provide drinks to-go with tape over the straw hole, and it is legal to drive with them as long as you don’t put a straw in. In Montana, re-sealable wine bottles are allowed.

Men and Teenagers Are More Likely to Drive Aggressively

A study from AAA found that men and younger drivers are more likely to engage in aggressive behaviors when behind the wheel. These dangerous behaviors include speeding, tailgating, running red lights, preventing cars from merging, or yelling at other drivers. However, before the women start congratulating themselves, the study also showed that women were no more than 10 percentage points behind men for all of these activities, and nearly 80% of all drivers surveyed admitted to at least some aggressive driving behavior.

You Can’t “Drive” Your Camel on the Highway in Nevada

Another archaic law still on the books in Nevada dates back to the late 19th century, when camels were a common means of transporting supplies across the desert by the U.S. Army Camel Corps. As horses became a more popular means of transport, a law was passed prohibiting camels in favor of horse traffic, and the law remains on the books. If you live in Nevada and prefer to get around on your camel, you’ll have to stick to the back roads.

Car Accidents Can Cause Fibromyalgia

While most people associate car accidents with injuries like broken bones and whiplash, it is not commonly known that the physical and psychological stress of a major collision can also trigger fibromyalgia symptoms. This disorder is believed to be caused by intensifying the sensations of pain perceived by the brain and spinal column and includes symptoms such as musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, cognitive issues, and mood changes.

It’s Legal to Take Home and Eat Roadkill In West Virginia

West Virginia has a law that makes it legal to take home and eat any animals you hit with your car--and you’re even allowed to swerve and intentionally hit especially tasty-looking critters as long as they are not on a leash being walked by a human. Unfortunately for cannibals, though, people hit by cars do not apply.

The Average American Will Spend 4 Months of Their Life Waiting at Red Lights

If you commute to work from your teenage years until you retire, you’ll spend an estimated 122 days--or 4 months--of your life waiting at red lights. This is based on the recommendation by the National Association of City Transportation Officials that the ideal length of red lights is 60-90 seconds, and the average amount of driving each year of 17,600 minutes as reported by AAA.

Most People Sing While Driving

According to a survey conducted by DMEautomotive, an average of 56% of people admit to singing out loud while driving. Women and people under 35 are more likely to engage in this activity. So know that you are in good company if you enjoy putting on your favorite tunes and singing along--but you may want to roll your windows up.

Billboards Are Illegal In Some States

Do you get annoyed by seeing highways cluttered with billboards? Then you may enjoy driving in Vermont, Hawaii, Maine, or Alaska. All four states ban billboards. Vermont only allows smaller, standard-format information signs to guide drivers to destinations off the highways.

Bootlegging Gave Birth to Nascar

Stock car racing was first practiced by Appalachian bootleggers, who made modifications to their cars during the Prohibition era to be able to more easily evade police. In 1932, the release of the Ford V-8 literally drove the moonshining business. During the 1930s, drivers began racing their bootlegging cars at fairgrounds, and soon discovered that people would be willing to pay to watch.


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