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Whispers Of The Ocean

Shine Brightly

By Cathy DeslippePublished about a year ago 4 min read
Whispers Of The Ocean
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

We find ourselves sitting in the classroom thinking if only that didn't happen.

History books shared the many stories of the Civil Right Movement. The period before that touches my heart most terribly. How discrimination, hatred and greed made our world an inhumane place to live. (nothing but danger and turmoil for my grandparents)

I was looking over old photographs of my ancestors before me. Living in run-down huts, their bodies so thin from malnutrition.

After the first world war, my great grandfather, Brayton (broad, brave), moved to the country looking for work. There was discrimination and less pay, but he took what he could get.

Looking over these photos, a tear rolled down my cheek.

" I Tilted My Head Back, And?"

A simple moment, back in time.

I am changing the direction of hatred to just being kind.

I walked along the ocean; the wind was picking up. I could hear the whispering, the voices that guided me on my journey in life. "My direction"

My family, before my time, deserved to have had a better life. They deserved to have been treated with love and respect. No colour, no dime would waste my time but travel back to show humanity. "The beauty of Life"

I walked closer to the ocean before I knew it. "I was walking on top of the water."

I tilted my head back, and there I was. I was standing in jeans in Africa.

I immediately knew it was my great-grandfather—broad shoulders, tall and handsome. I wanted to run up to him with my arms open.

Yet this was not why I came. I did not want to scare them yet to make them aware of the life they deserved.

I slowly walked up, scared but determined. My great-grandmother looked at me and ran close. "You look like Aberash - "you give off light" - "you shine."

Her hugs brought comfort. Her smile brought hope.

They gathered around me, some with fear, some with a look of concern.

My Black African language was good, but several had difficulty understanding it. I needed to relax and allow them to absorb what I was saying.

I told them of tales to come. I shared how a movement and freedom for all humanity will happen. Yet it could happen now.

Gather round.

I've travelled here through the whispers of the ocean. I speak to you with words of love and kindness. I will not allow my people to be used to be treated less than others. Most of all, I have a plan.

We own this land. We keep this land. We hunt the ground for food, and we share amongst ourselves. We will not allow other countries or people to come to our land.

As for money, I have brought lots.

One man and one woman will be in charge. Those who do not follow directions will be put away to listen to the rules and obey.

At the expense of being taken away, beaten and used to wait on others of different colours and races. "We work together as one."

I stay until I hear the whispers of the ocean waves. Until then, I will teach; I will guide you. Life will be better for you.

I Wished I Had Brought Others

At the hands of the men, I showed them how to fish and hunt for animals. I also showed them the skills of protecting themselves. Most of all, I showed them it was okay to hug one another and be friends.

For their homes, no more sleeping on dirt. Their homes were going to be built from the trees on the hilltop. I shared with the men the skills of carpentry. How to clean the water.

Their money was only for their land, to help them grow and succeed without other cultures getting involved.

Excepting oneself first gains the strength to love others of a different time and place.

After weeks of training, I saw men become strong; I saw homes become better than the homes I had seen in my hometown. (without bathrooms, of course)

I saw their food supply increase and teach water freezing; ice helps keep the food longer.

The men themselves were happy, more extensive and robust. They took it upon themselves to use large boulders to make big walls around their land.

"Our Land- Our People"

When it came time to work with the women, they, too, learned to cook food from the forest. I shared seamstress skills to make clothing from many things we found.

Skills of caring for oneself, cleansing and health care.

I saw on my great-grandmother's face so much joy.

Travelling back to a place I would have never known brought me peace. It also got me to hope for my return back.

I Awoke

This time was different; I whispered to my grandparents - be strong; stay focused on the path I have left for you. Most of all - "I love you."

Kissing my grandmother's cheek - she whispered. "You bring us light- we give you love."

By Lance Reis on Unsplash

Looking Back

As I walked across the ocean's water, I looked back.

There stood my grandfather, more robust and wiser than ever before.

I knew for what not lay ahead as I was about to return.

For now, I leave a beautiful land where many did learn.

The ability to be.

Loving, educated but most of all "free."


About the Creator

Cathy Deslippe

Catherine Deslippe

At the age of 7, I became an author. I am an international writer with many authors; all royalties went to cancer patients without insurance. I used to write to cope, but now I write to bring others hope.

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