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Travel Writing

How I Came Up With A Screenplay Idea

By Seriously CaringPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Travel Writing
Photo by Pawel Nolbert on Unsplash

I remember finishing my Bachelor's Degree and aiming to become a hot shot writer in New York, and when I got my first job on Upwork (making $25 and hour), I was super stoked! I began reading about every career in editing or writing you could think of and built my Upwork portfolio of of research projects for businesses, and in the name of writing articles. I looked into travel writing, but at the time, I had only been so far (Europe, but as a teenager), and also Hawaii (but as a 7 year old), Mississippi (at age 6), and New York (at 15).

I had also been to Mexico a few times and the Carribean, but also all before I graduated High School.

So I set off in my truck to drive across the country, stopped over to visit family in Mississippi after it had been all those years since I saw the big house in the small town with the classic land owning horse owning great aunt and uncle's. I drove the scenic rout through Louisiana (as not to miss the state on my to visit list of 50 states), and drove on up from there to New York (again) but this time on my own.

Looking for a writing job in New York with a B.A. in English is actually very difficult, and needing wifi, and job that quickly, I wound up freelancing a little, facing corner store salary, and inevitably had to go back to California after a moment of live- in nannying (with an M.F.A. program on the way).

The M.F.A. was in screen Writing, and I still hadn't made it on any travel writing website (the one's which promised like $1000's a week and such)... but i wanted to be a travel writer in stead of making little money on short term projects...

So I went to live in L.A. again and this time becoming poor, began fantasizing that I could live on a sail boat, or maybe someone handsome had his own dive boat/ sail boat (the kind you could live on), and I came up with this idea thinking a woman with a freelance writing job would have to fib a bit on how much money she was making to make it from L.A. to Hawaii like that.

I thought of the characters and how he could find out mid- trip around the world that she was really only a freelance writer wishing she could be a rich travel writer, and no longer had income from writing half way around the world to find the trip.

I thought about calling it "Travel Writers." I decided this would result in a mid-sea argument with a handsome gentleman and beautiful woman who both no longer have any money to find their trip, but do have wifi signal and have to survive on the internet means of making money in order to restock their needs on the ship...

I also thought it would be funny if all the while they had pirates after them.

I decided that he acquired nothing but the boat and a yacht slip that could board his ship at any of the docks associated for three years (in the name of will acquisition by grandfather maybe), and was actually more desperate for travelers to need his ship captaining because he himself was also making very little money on occasional tourists and guiding them around the L.A. waters for a day at a time... so she thought he had more to his name as well...

I hope it turns out to be a beautiful story. I am going to write it and I do really have an M.F.A. in Screen Writing, so all are welcome to ask me questions (if they need assistance in the field), and I can consult, edit, freelance for you (for script/ a novel/ entertainment). ;)

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