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The trip to London

Ep. 1 : My cousin Rogier & Boxing Day

By Maïa KriegerPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
“This is fair representation of me avoiding shit all 2020 long”

Hi everyone, this is my first time writing here and I do not know what I’m doing. But after I wanted a refund from crazy 🍑 twenty-twenty, I guess this is my escape.

Everyone I know, can agree that my family is crazy ass hell. On both sides. That’s why whenever my dad does some crazy shit I claim my moms side especially vice-versa.

But this story is specifically about my mother’s side. The Koorndijks.

So I was 8 years old right? And my auntie, Heidy, had this totally wrong idea to go on a family trip with her husband, children, step-children, my mother and me and my 18 year old sister at the time. Luckily my other 24/7 paranoia 🍑 auntie and her husband tapped out before all the shit that was ‘bout the happen on this trip.

But because, my boujee auntie saved a lot of money by paying for everybody’s tickets, obviously my mother said “hell yeah!” So we did.

The first lightning-strike for me was when it was Boxing Day and also the first day we arrived at the hotel. At 10 ‘o clock I think.

My cousin, Rogier, his younger sister ,Chesney and his to step-sisters, Chantrelle and ?, decided to buy some stuff since it was Boxing Day. By bus.

Rogier is the super chill type and a gentleman, he’s a bit nerdy which you wouldn’t notice at first beacause he’s so pretty that once a girl working at McDonalds came from behind the counter and called of work just to go flirt with him.

He’s almost 30 years old now, so everybody is driving him nuts with the whole settling thing at his age. I feel sorry for him, but he’ll definitely make it.

“This is a pic of a random white woman at his work interrupting his selfie”

This quibus thought is was a good idea to bring his luggage with him to the stores and he and his sisters are ready to go back to the hotel.

And this man leaves his luggage but the Boxing Day gifts at the bus stop...

When I tell you I felt the disappointment in his confession later that day in front of his mother:

“ Haha yeah, so I don’t really wanna ruin the mood ma, but I kind of forgot my luggage at the bus stop? Haha that’s crazy right?!”

“ Rogier, which bus stop are you talking about the one next to the hotel or the one at the mall?!”

“Uhm, the one at the mall?”

Mind you the hotel and the mall are 938 km apart...

Now my boujee auntie doesn’t hit her kids like the stereotypical force wants me to write, but she does know how to yell.

Rogier was asked by his mother, my auntie, to go talk to her in her room “for a second” And he told us to carry him in a ‘64 Impala if he doesn’t make it.

I swear it took 45 mins for him to escape his 24 year old ass out of that room.

He’s okay now, and living his best live as an architect.

Trust me the story gets much worse then this but you should just read the next episode if you want to find out I guess.

The End Of Ep. 1

; )

family travel

About the Creator

Maïa Krieger

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