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Study Abroad

My first flight ever was all the way to Japan.

By Morgan BeaPublished 5 years ago 1 min read
That’s me (the one in the middle) at the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo. 

Here’s the backstory. I’m a first generation college student who decided to major in graphic design and minor in Japanese.

To complete this minor, I could either take a third year of the language, or spend a month and a half abroad taking classes at the International Christian University in Mitaka, Tokyo.

Now, I never thought I would be able to afford this kind of expense. However, I was able to save up around six thousand dollars from over two and a half years of working a part-time movie theatre job.

So there I was, applying for a trip half way around the world. I had no passport and no clue what international travel entailed. So what do I do in that situation? YouTube.

I spent at least 30-plus hours watching travel videos—specifically before I felt ready. Then it was time to apply for a passport. Don’t be like me. I waited until the last possible second to do so and as a result, had to pay for expedited shipping.

Getting on the first plane to D.C. was rough. It was a small aircraft and you could feel every single gust of wind and turn the wings made. The kind woman next to me was luckily an experienced flyer who kept me considerably calm. That flight only lasted an hour, then came the behemoth.

The 15-hour flight from D.C. to the Narita International Airport felt like ages. I found it best to sleep with my head down on the tray table in my arms (much like people do during a boring class at school).

After three movies, a lot of sleep, and two meal services we finally landed. And yes, many people did clap.

I’d made it to the other side of the globe only slightly more anxious than I had been previously. If you ever have the chance to study abroad, dear reader, please do so. It will change your life.

Save some money, pack your bags, get your passport, and book your flights early. You’ll love studying abroad even if you’ve never left your hometown before.

student travel

About the Creator

Morgan Bea

Interdisciplinary Artist and Student at the University at Buffalo.

Chronic doodler and part time sass master.

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