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"From Two-Wheel Wobble to Roadway Royalty."

My Epic Riding Odyssey!

By Brenda ArchiePublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Hey there, my fellow adventurers! I'm delighted that you've decided to join me for this wild ride, as I share the uproarious story of how I transformed from a two-wheeled novice to a road warrior extraordinaire.

Picture this: I had a brilliant idea - I wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. How hard could it be, right? Well, it turns out, as smooth as a porcupine's pillow! At the beginning of my journey, I couldn't even get the darn thing to start; it was as if the motorcycle had a personal vendetta against me.

My epic saga started with a daily routine that can only be described as slapstick comedy. I would push my bike outside the gate because, frankly, I had no idea how to kick-start the darn thing. Each attempt to start the bike was like a three-ring circus, with me as the unwitting star. The motorcycle seemed to have a mind of its own, and it wasn't interested in cooperating with my grand plans.

Weeks turned into months, and I had become an expert at being a "professional pillion" - which, let's face it, was a euphemism for being a glorified bag of potatoes on the back of a bike.

Then, fate threw a curveball my way. A friend rolled into town with her motorcycle gang, and she posed the million-dollar question: "What do you ride?" My feeble response was, "I'm still a pillion." She cocked an eyebrow, a look of sheer incredulity on her face, and said, "Why be a pillion when you could be in control?" It was as if she'd slapped me with a glove and challenged me to a duel - only in this case, it was a duel with my own incompetence.

The next morning, I woke up with newfound determination. I was going to conquer the untamed wilds of a dirt road! With trembling hands and a heart pounding like a jackhammer, I mounted my trusty steed. I gingerly balanced the throttle and clutch, moving at a pace that would make a snail on tranquilizers look speedy. But hey, it was progress!

Buoyed by my first successful venture into the world of dirt roads, I returned home with a sense of purpose - it was time to get the paperwork in order. After all, they say, "No papers, no riding." I wasn't about to risk run-ins with the law on my journey to become a motorcycle maven.

With paperwork in hand and determination in my heart, I transitioned to the tarmac, thanks to my mentor Allan. Allan was like my guardian angel on two wheels, guiding me with the patience of a saint. There were no tantrums, no shouting matches - just gentle corrections and heaps of encouragement. It was like having a personal motivational speaker right there in the saddle beside me.

Eventually, I took my riding test and emerged victorious with a shiny new license. It felt like I had graduated from the school of motorcycle madness with honors. I was now officially certified to tear up the streets.

Over time, my journey took me from riding cautiously with a group of bikers, always relying on their expert guidance, to confidently embarking on solo journeys. Riding solo was a game-changer, and now I could zip through town, do my shopping, and feel the wind in my hair without a care in the world.

Today, I'm the one leading the pack from the front seat, and I absolutely relish it. To all the parents out there, remember that your kids don't have to be an excuse to avoid pursuing your passions. You can do it! I'm living proof that even with a hectic schedule, you can embrace the world of biking and make it your own.

Thank you for joining me on this raucous ride, and I hope my journey from bumbling beginner to two-wheeling superstar brought a chuckle to your day. So, take the plunge, jump into the world of biking, and remember, life's a winding road - enjoy the ride!


About the Creator

Brenda Archie

Passionate biker & Software Quality Analyst, blending adventure, freedom, and tech. Thriving mom with a keen eye for detail. 🚴‍♀️🖥️ #BikerMom

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