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A Hitchhikers Journey Pt.2

The Haunted Ukulele

By Mark W. DonovanPublished 3 years ago 10 min read

*These stories are honest/raw and may not be for the faint o' heart.

The days came and went, from thawing icy mornings, to cool mid-afternoons... and November was already three quarters close to being over.. I'd been writing alot in my journal and taking the time to heal. & although I was in Texas, it was still freezing by the time night had fallen.. and I'd find myself lying awake at night, watching the cold air exhale a faint cloud from my lungs upon every breath.. My sleeping bag was not built for such low temps, in fact it was only a 40 degree protectant.. I figured it'd get warmer within each state I voyaged through, but unfortunately that was not the case... & My boots and shoes now had gaping holes where the soles and padded rubber used to be.. & I'd now accumilated a cute little family of blisters on each foot, and kept getting pebbles and sand stuffed underneath my socks when I walked... which kindly ripped the blisters open over and over... After packing up camp one afternoon, we'd begun walking toward the downtown area of the city we were in to gather some supplies and necessities for Pup & I... After a few miles, a strange little white man pulled into the parking lot dead ahead of me, and got out of his vehicle quite excitedly... where we then met after only a few steps toward one another. He greeted me with a smile and then looked down at Pup.. asking where I got her, etc.... He seemed peculiar in his interest and kinda caught me off guard.. I wasn't really sure what to make of him. He then said, "That's a Thai Ridgeback!, a very rare and expensive breed!..., would you consider selling her? I'm sure folk like you could make use of the money, being out here all alone.." I wrapped the rope being used for a leash a little tighter around my hand, and kindly expressed my zero interest in selling, or negotiating any type of deal for her.. She was now officially; My Road Dawg.

Here's a pic of Pup waiting while I thumbed our way down the interstate.

One of my favorite pics of her.

The man then offered to buy me a hoagie, but he kept looking at my crotch... so I politely declined & then thanked him for the information on what breed he thought Pup to be.. Cuz before that, I had no idea what she could possibly be.. (I thought she was some kind of German Shepard, Pitbull mix... or a Dingo or something..) We said goodbye to the man and continued walking down the quiet sidewalk.. Early that next morning I was woken up by Pups loud, sharp barks inside of the tent... her front paws clawing at the flimsy zipped up screen... & I at first tried to ignore it, but she was quite persistant until I finally sat up to see what was going on and assess the situation... She made a quick wine as I nudged her back with my arm so I could unzip the door... & to my surprise, there was a BABY RATTLESNAKE right outside of our tent!!! Young rattlers are known to contain more neurotoxins in their venom rather than the cytotoxins which the adults are so infamously known for... I was quite shocked to see this, but I couldn't help but notice how CUTE HE WAS! He honestly seemed nice, and didn't make a fuss when I went to snap a pic of him. Pup wasn't happy though!..

(The Spiritual legend of the Viperidae is that of; Creative Power, Vigor, Rebirth, Truth, & Healing.) A symbol also known for; Transformation.

The Young Rattler

I zipped up the tent door slowly in order to prevent Pup from jumping out, she's quite the hunter and would have definitely attacked the snake! Her ancestors are over 4,000 years old, and to date, one of the very first canine breeds to ever be documented. We hung out for about 45 minutes, sharing some breakfast and water.. and when I opened the screen, the snake had gone.. Good... cuz I needed to pee!!! (and Pup kept farting which wasn't the greatest smell known to man.) Come a couple hours later, I'd decided I really needed new boots, but didn't have quite enough funds to buy them... & what I did have, had to be rationed for food & water between the two of us... So I zipped up the tent and told her I'd be back in a jiffy... There was a shopping center just over the tall fence that separated the business, and the large overgrown field where we were currently camping.. I walked my way around it into the parking lot and went inside.. I went straight to the footwear department and started browsing their selection.. I saw a decent pair of hiking boots that seemed to be in my size.. I grabbed em down from the shelf and tried 'em on... They felt pretty good, so I gave 'em a little test run around a couple isles.. realizing they were a little too big.. my intution told me to just eat the difference, and keep them & go now... even if they were a little too big... but my good ol' trusty ego (ha..) talked me into getting a smaller pair... so back I went, and found the correct size and exchanged them.. Putting my beat up black skate shoes, with multiple holes in them into the fresh, clean box, replacing the nice new boots.. These fit much better and I was happy with my choice.. So I put the box back on the shelf and began to walk away towards the Garden Center .. I thought to myself, "It's usually pretty scarce of employees over there"... Welllll..... long story short.... it turned out I was being watched the whole time I was in the store, and I ended up going to jail that night... I obviously would have ran if we weren't camped out just over the West wall... but they could rewind the video and see where I came from... So I thought of Pup and took the hit so we could stay together... they ended up issuing me a mandatory court appearance for a few months later (That I did not attend..) & I still get mail from them from time to time... which usually comes in the form of a mustard colored postcard with the words "TEXAS WARRANT" - for Mark D... Which I kindly throw into the waste bin while looking back upon those days with a smile.. admiring my cherished memories, even if some happened to be radical and righteous... It'd begun to get too cold at night and I wasn't making any headway escaping these fast paced Texas interstates... (They were FLYING passed us on the highway, hitting the rumble strip sounding like they were gonna cream us from behind..) & even then, it'd still probably take me two months to get back up to New Hampshire... & Winter was closing in... fast... I really didn't have any lifelines at the time, but we were just about broke, and freezing... so I threw a Halleluhjah Hailmary and asked one of my great friends if she'd take a road-trip to come & save us... (mind you this was no simple-quick- road trip).. in fact, it was over 1,800 miles!... Over 24 hours of driving... & quite a tall order to ask of anyone.... LUCKILY, she had previously pretty much fallen in love with Pup through the pictures I would post and send her... (& she's now the loving Mother of Pup going on 8 years strong, and one of my best friends i've ever had.) Surprisingly, she accepted the journey of my proposition... (if it wasn't for Pup, I don't think I would have been so lucky) Ha.. thanks Pup! I'll take it!!! About a thousand pounds of worry seemed to be immediately lifted off my shoulders, Yes!!! We had to celebrate!!! I broke out the beef jerky for Pup and got her a nice little ice cream cone in a bowl. Party time!!..

Sojourners On My Birthday In a Texas Desert Plane, Nov. 9

Three days went by and the -Great & Wonderful Danielle a.k.a Dani Dynamite - had finally arrived. We camped out for the night under the Southern Texas stars, and enjoyed a nice little stone circled fire, with light hearts and good laughter... The next morning we awoke fairly early.. In good spirits, we were ready for our first big day on the road! We loaded our things into the car and began our vigorous voyage back North to our home state, New Hampshire.. After a day or so of driving, I requested that we take a minor detour, East - into Knoxville, TN.. where I had previously hid a Ukulele in the woods... After that big fight with the train kids, they left so quickly, they ended up forgetting and leaving a few things behind... & when I awoke that next morning, I'd noticed that their Ukulele was still lying next to the campfire in a worn out, brown leather carrying case... I was still pretty sour from the night prior, and at the time I wasn't feeling much empathy for them... so I decided to stash it on a hill in some tall grass, and hopefully come back for it later on... and sure enough, months later, it was still there... (yes... to this day I still feel bad for doing it.) but unfortunately I was upset, and hurting, & in the moment I made an irrational decision.. No one would have found it, and it woulda' gotten destroyed by the weather sooner or later if I didn't go back and get it... I still have that Uke, and I think it's kinda haunted... so I'm a little scared of it, but don't wanna give it away... It's quite a paradox I'm in.. So a few hours go by, and somehow I ended up getting into another fist fight.. where a piece of the guys bottom lip ended up chunking out and landing on my lip... and if you know me, I was not happy, it was so gross!! I think I washed my lips for half the day after that, hoping he had no diseases. I'm a bit of a germ-o-phobe and hyper particular about certain things.

Maybe it's from the led poisoning when I was a kid hahaha...

Pup, A Fellow Adventurer & I

*Cue Brief Interlude...

We eventually made it back to New Hampshire and my heart sunk just a bit knowing it was winter, and I didn't have the big chunk of change to sustain myself properly at my family's cabin in the White Mountains. It runs solely on a woodstove and has no insulation under the flooring... so it definitely makes for a strong winter experience! (I've been through 4, full, wild white cabin winters since, ha..) So now, I had this new puppy and nowhere to live solidly... & having to take a Pup everywhere, made it alot harder to couch surf in the Central region I was staying in.. (It used to be very easy for me) But thank goodness my loving Sister Katie let me stay at her apartment momentarily, but of course she didn't like dogs.. so it made for a rather tough situation between us.

(Pup & I at my sisters apartment.)

3 months went by of this bouncing around, & between the madness of it all, I managed to finish up recording my new Album; "Orenda" which was nice.. but wondering where I was gonna sleep and eat each night.. began to take a toll on me mentally & emotionally.. and I found myself actively succumbing to a prior addiction I once held.. Once it got warm enough, I was able to find some quaint refuge in the Northern Mountains.. Where I was already restless footed, daydreaming about another adventure... but why did I always seem to have this sense of longing for an ungraspable freedom? What made it so obviously appealing to me?... A couple weeks went by, and I ventured down to visit some old friends that were in town for just a few more days... We played a bit of basketball (G.O.A.T.) Which is just the game H.O.R.S.E., But G.O.A.T... (I'm still champ to this day) We caught up with one another.. & then decided to get some beers to celebrate our whimmed reunion.. a quick couple hours go by, and we're jokin', laughin', smokin', cheers'in'.. When a quiet dare started to circulate the room... talking about just picking up and driving West, out to California... right now... just getting up and going... to not even think about it, & just do it... I honestly thought they were kidding, after all, none of them had done such a thing before! Thinking to myself like a shiny little travel man... all seasoned and knowledgable... (ha..) I honestly didn't think they had it in em to do such a thing!... I laughed and said, "y'all know I'll do it, so if you're serious, I'm down.." welllll.... it turns out they were serious, and we were in the car no more than an hour later... Keep in mind, we had about a hundred dollars between the four of us... I had one pair of clothes which were already on my back, my old boots from the last trip, (yes, the holey ones...) and my Pup... no toothbrush, no guitar, no backpack... I was definitely nowhere close to being properly prepared... But hey, are we really ever?... "alright let's do it!" I said.. but little did i know, it would turn out to be one of the biggest dares of my life and a crucial part of my Spiritual Evolution.

You don't wanna miss what happens next!

-Mark W. Donovan

solo travel

About the Creator

Mark W. Donovan

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