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The Great Depression

The Great Depression

By Bhawana NiraulaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The Great Depression
Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Some say that Roosevelt exacerbated stress by trying to bring about rapid development by allowing the economy and the business cycle to continue with its two-year course rather than reaching a lower level and recovering, as Roosevelt did with Hover.

In terms of GDP and employment - the Great Depression seems to have ended in 1941-1942, just before the United States entered World War II. In examining the population and the health effects of depression, we look at the years 1930-1933, but when we look at the period 1920-1940 we offer a good time comparing the depression to the pre-1920 era, a period of strong economic growth that followed in the mid-1930s. In the years following the expansion phase of the 1930s, unemployment remained high during the decade and economic activity declined sharply after 1938, leading some writers to say that stress may have increased until war broke out.

In 1929, when countries around the world lost gold (excluding France and the United States) adopted downgrade policies to curb gold loss and maintain the gold standard. In many lands, such as the Netherlands, France, Canada, Great Britain, and the Nordic countries, depression was severe, but it did not last long until 1931. left the gold system.

The Great Depression was the worst recession in the history of the developed world, which began in 1929 to 1939 when the stock market crash. Declining consumer demand, panic financing, and lost government policies led to a sharp decline in U.S. exports, as well as the gold standard, which connected countries around the world through a fixed exchange price index, played a key role in propagating American decline. Recovery from depression was encouraged by the abandonment of normal levels and subsequent financial increases.

The Great Depression was the worst recession in the history of developed countries from 1929 to 1939. The global economic downturn of 1930 began in the United States with a sharp fall in prices that began on September 4, 1929, and made headlines around the world in October. The stock market crash of 29 shares (also known as Black Tuesday). Signs of a recession were seen in the summer of 1929, but the onset of the Great Depression was marked by a stock market crash in October 1929, and a crash was followed by a sharp decline in economic activity. The Great Depression, also known as the Depression of 1929-1939, was a severe recession that began in 1929 and lasted from 1929 to 1939.

Although the country came under heavy pressure in the early 1930s, the rate of industrial decline was one-third of the United States. Influenced by the global economic downturn and the Dust Bowl, Canadian industrial production declined by 58% from 1929 to 1929, the lowest rate. globally, while production in the US and other countries, such as the United Kingdom, declined by 83% from 1929 levels. at the end of ten years.

The onset of the Great Depression in America is often described as a major collapse of the stock market on Black Thursday, October 24, 1929, when 16 million shares were traded in fear as investors lost confidence in the economy. The Great Depression reached its nadir in 1933 when 15 million Americans lost their jobs and the country's banks collapsed. Although global depression was mild in some countries, it was more severe in others, and it was more severe in the United States in 1933, when 25% and 37% of non-agricultural workers were unemployed.

Companies have seen their credit lines and savings collapse as a result of bank closures, consumers have noticed that their banking and assets have been seized and are subject to liquidity, and spending has declined, making the Great Depression worse. The seriousness of depression in the United States became apparent in comparison with the worst recession between nations, the Great Recession of 2007-09, in which countries "real GDP fell by 4.3% and unemployment fell by less than 10%. States demanded loans that were supposed to be paid to stabilize their economies and fell under economic pressure from foreign economies.

The Great Depression was so severe that the global economic downturn in the United States was foreshadowed by the Black Thursday Stock Exchange on October 24, 1929. The Great Recession devastated and rebuilt the Washington State economy, leaving roads, bridges, dams, and a new power grid set. a platform for rapid industrial growth. At the beginning of the Great Depression, the United Kingdom was the only developed country in the world without any form of unemployment or social security insurance.

The Great Depression was the worst economic collapse in modern industrial history, which spread from the United States to the world from late 1929 to the early 1940s. Many economists believe that government spending has caused or accelerated the recovery of the Great Depression during World War II, but some believe that it has not played a major role in recovery, although it has helped reduce unemployment. The link between leaving the gold standard and the world’s strong predictions of its magnitude of depression and its duration of recovery explains why the knowledge and duration of depression vary from region to country.


About the Creator

Bhawana Niraula

[email protected]

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