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Seo-Friendly Content writing Top 10 tips for Higher Ranking

So, how would you like to make sure that your website ranks high? Seo-Friendly Content is the solution.

By Sidra Masood A Creative Content WriterPublished about a year ago 8 min read
SEO friendly content tips for higher ranking

All right, you caught me.

So, How do you check if the article is Seo-Friendly

Your site's search rankings can improve with more targeted Seo-Friendly Content if you implement a good SEO strategy and regularly keep it up to date. You'll continuously notice more visits and, consequently, more revenue for your business.

Seo-Friendly Content should be a part of every website, as it helps improve search engine rankings.

In this article, we are going to share the Top 10 tips that will help you write amazing SEO-friendly content in a very quick time.

1. Audience Research First for Seo-friendly content:

SEO-friendly content is prepared so that it ranks high in search engines. You are the target audience. You are the one who will use your Seo-Friendly Content that ranks. So, it’s important that you understand the underlying problem in your industry and how to solve it.

User experience, or imagining what it's like to shop at your company from the customer's perspective, is the first step in conducting effective audience research.

What do people want when they visit a website?

What’s their pain point? What are they looking for?

Where does their problem lie?

The answers to these questions will help you create content that solves their problems or meets their needs.

It’s also crucial that you research what other companies in your niche are doing vis-a-vis content creation and distribution because this will give you an idea of what works best with your audience and where there is room for improvement.

To write excellent Seo-friendly content. You need to know what people are searching for.

If you don’t know what people are searching for, how can you possibly write a piece of content that will help them?

You might be thinking: “Well, I just write about whatever I want!” But that will not be very helpful if no one finds your posts because they aren’t relevant to their search query (and thus don't rank). You still may have written something good - but it won't matter if no one reads it!

2. Pick your content keywords wisely:

Keyword research is an important part of writing great Seo-optimized content. You need to find the right keyword for your article.

● Use keywords in the title and body of your article.

● Use keywords in URL, meta description, headings, subheadings, etc.

A few SEO hacks can help you find less competitive yet simpler keywords. Follow these guidelines, and you'll be able to locate keywords that are far less competitive:

Make a Google suggestion

The Google auto-suggest feature allows you to narrow your search results to exactly what you're looking for. In most cases, they are extremely specific queries made by other users.

Check People Also Ask (PAA)

This is a search engine results page (SERP) feature that displays questions relating to your query.

Check the competition in a keyword research tool.

Which of their web pages is most popular, and why? Do you think you can make it even better?

3. Seo-Friendly Content Title Tag:

Search results have title tags. These are different from article titles, which appear on pages.

It should grab attention and keep users interested.

Title tags often feature brand names. This helps you stand out on the SERP and attract visitors with the brand authority.

4. Eye-catching Seo-friendly headline

A great way to get people to click on your content is by writing headlines that hook the reader. Here are some headline formulas that you can use:

Use a question in the headline, e.g., "Are You Doing These 5 Things That Make SEO Content Unreadable?"

Include numbers in your headlines, e.g., "4 Ways You Can Improve Your Social Media Marketing Campaign By 50%".

Offer benefits of using something or doing some action, e.g., How To Start A Blog And Make $100+ Per Day Within 30 Days." If you're going to use this formula, make sure that whatever comes next is actually worth it! Otherwise, people will click out of curiosity and then leave disappointed when they realize it could be better than it was promised.

Short paragraphs


Bullet points


Headings, bold text, and italics make your content easy to scan for readers with a quick eye for detail and comprehension skills that are quite different from where they used to be.

Readers who use their visual field and their central vision may also benefit from this type of formatting, but it depends on the type of content you're writing (blog posts or instructional pieces tend to lend themselves better).

Images draw attention more than anything else!

Over time, we've realized that effective writing has no rules except breaking them.

Now that you've taken all the necessary steps to make sure your content is optimized for SEO, it's time to make sure that it's also easy to read.

5. Optimize article length

Previously, most blog posts were several hundred words. Posting more drove traffic.

Today, rarely. You'll find longer pieces (often 1,500 words or more) that are published less frequently on most blogs, including the Get Response blog you're currently reading.

Google has prioritized lengthier, higher-quality content for years. They try to give consumers the most incredible answers, which usually means writing postings that answer their questions thoroughly.

300-word articles are no longer sufficient. It's not about diluting content, either.

See which posts have the most engagement in Google Analytics.

Which ones are visited most and read longest?

Then, which ones convert best, like newsletter sign-ups?

Use that knowledge to determine the best niche approach.

6. Easy to read Content:

The most important step in this process is making sure your content has a conversational tone. This is not as hard as it sounds; all you need to do is write like you speak (and if you don't like how that sounds, then just pretend we're not here).

You want people reading your article to feel like they're having a conversation with someone they know and trust rather than having their eyes assaulted by paragraphs of text with no breaks in them whatsoever.

To accomplish this feat of Seo-Friendly Content prowess, many things can help: bullet points, subheadings, and lists are some examples.

If you want an extra boost of confidence when writing for the eye instead of the search engine spider, try using bold and italics too!

7. Optimize your images ALT tags

We've covered a lot of ground here so far, but there's still one more thing left before we move on: images! Images are great for breaking up large blocks of text into smaller chunks that are easier for readers' brains to absorb—they also help keep their attention focused where yours wants them! As such, images should be used whenever possible--but only if they actually add value; otherwise, they just get in the way.

8. Meta description with keywords

You can write a meta description to drive your blog post traffic. The meta description shows up in search results, and it’s an important part of Seo.

Users read this snippet before clicking on links, so it’s imperative that you use the correct keywords, include a call-to-action, and make sure the text is clear and concise.

Here are some tips:

Make sure it's short and snappy - no more than 160 characters to fit Google's guidelines!

Boost Confidence with E.A.T

Nope, not ours. E.A.T. is a famous SEO phrase for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

An official Google Page Quality ranking criteria, E.A.T. also invokes images of delicious sandwiches.


Are they qualified to write about this? Did they check with official sources like journal publications and industry experts?


Like expertise, blog post authors have authority. The blog's content and webpage are also included. Help a Reporter can help you find genuine expert quotes for authoritative topics. External links also build authority.


Credibility means you always do what you say you're going to do and present your audience with the truth and information they exactly want.

9. Add Internal Links

Internal links are links from one page on your website to another page on your website. Internal links help search engines understand your website's structure, allowing users to navigate your website efficiently.

They also help search engines determine what content is most important so that they can rank it higher in their search results.

For internal linking to be effective, it's important to link pages that are related in some way (like if you have blog posts about office supplies, then link those posts together with other posts about office supplies).

If you're looking for ways to connect different pages, try using a topic matrix for inspiration!

10. Relevant and High-quality Content

It's not enough to create good Seo-Friendly Content.

You've got to keep in mind that you're writing for people, and they want to be entertained while they learn new things. If your writing is just plain dull, no one will read it—and even if they do read it, they won't come back for more.

When you think about how much time and effort goes into creating great content, it's easy to see why many people fall into this trap: they spend a lot of time thinking about how their content will rank rather than whether or not it's actually worth reading.

The truth is this: if people don't like what you're putting out online, then no SEO can save your site from obscurity (or worse).

You have to focus on creating great content in the first place before worrying about other factors like getting high rankings or driving traffic to your site through social media sharing channels.

Wrap up

SEO is just one part of the journey to great content. This will take you on the right track, but there’s more to it than that. You need to create a compelling product and make it easy for people to find. With these tips, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

Hopefully, this was helpful. Use these Tried and Tested techniques to write SEO-friendly content for any sector. You'll write engaging content. Traffic to SEO-friendly websites increases SEO score. How else can you enhance SEO? Any other search engine optimization tips? Comment on them.


About the Creator

Sidra Masood A Creative Content Writer

I'm an experienced, On-page SEO Creative Content and Copywriter.

My strong point is writing Informative and engaging content that also convert.

I have experience writing for the web and always follow best practices for On-page SEO.

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