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Robinhood has been slayed

The holy grail for retail investors. Robinhood. Just shot themselves in the foot.

By Jonathon LarkinsPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Robinhood has been slayed
Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

The holy grail for retail investors. Robinhood, a bright star in a otherwise bleak financial market. A broker cleverly named Robinhood promised fee-free trading and the ability for anyone to buy stocks.

The past week has been a rollercoaster not only for profit but for great loss. Life-changing profits for many that have been followed by the stark reality of it all. The system is corrupt it always has and always will be.

Wallstreet VS Wallstreet Bets

A war only one side will win and it won't be the good guys. Gamestop(GME) is the focal point. At the start of the week, we witnessed a short squeeze that caused GME to gain over 700% in the space of 5 days.

Short-squeeze- A short squeeze occurs when a stock or other asset jumps sharply higher, forcing traders who had bet that its price would fall, to buy it to forestall even greater losses. Their scramble to buy only adds to the upward pressure on the stock's price.

This was followed by companies such as Blackberry, Bed, Bath and Beyond and AMC to name a few. were also be pushed up for major gains. A great week for Wallstreet bets retail crusaders. But heading into Thursday the red mist of wall street started to settle.

All was bright on Thursday morning for the novice investors, waking up delighted with there gains. Robinhood had other ideas. Contradictory to the name they took from the poor and gave to the rich. Blocking traders from buying more stock. Only allowing them to liquidate or sell current positions on certain stocks. Due to significant volatility.

Turning on their own. Shooting your average joe in the back. Wall Street had made the ultimate move to battle this. According to hedge funds systematically shorting a stock is legal. But when individuals out of there own free will buy the stocks they are shorting it is classed as illegal.

Once again showing the corrupt nature of the financial system. which was highlighted in 2008. Only one banker got arrested in that whole fiasco. They didn't even solve the problem. This surely would have woken them up but it didn't.

They can afford to lose the money, yet we are left to suffer the losses from the hanging of Robinhood. This is a simple ploy to help cover their losses. So when they do reopen certain stocks they can buy buy buy all they want. I'm sure this won't be illegal at all. Not pumping at all.

We are not alone.

Elon Musk, a man of the people. He stands with us along with AOC and to my surprise ted Cruz who agreed with AOC tweets. Many other big names have joined forces with us on this. They understand for once.

Two differences coming together to support a good cause for once. we need to see more of this from politicians. we need to put an end to a corrupt system. is this the start?

not only has Elon musk tweeted multiple times. he is also aware of walls street bets. he is a man of memes. repricing his tesla model s to $69,420. this is no surprise he once stood against short sellers. by selling short shorts to show his strength against such market players who tried to short tesla.

a bold statement by Elon Musk but illuminating the problem on our hands. 


With many Robinhood users filing lawsuits against Robinhood. Will we get justice? will we put down the right organisation? 

The simple answer is no. we are getting blindfolded. the downfall of Robinhood will only be used to keep us happy. We will not get the hedge funds, the billionaires that need to be brought to justice. Hedges funds are clever, creating multiple lines of defence. Protecting there livelihood and money.

Hate me all you want but that is the truth. We aren't going to see justice anytime soon. Sad and bitter, we need justice. This is so much more than Robinhood, its about financial equality. The pandemic has widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

The revolution has only just begun. We can do this together. one day we will have justice. for now, be patient and do what you can.


About the Creator

Jonathon Larkins

This is me.16. My whole life in front of me. Just trying to find my way through it. Building a better future for myself and others

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