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How to Choose the Best Shipping Tracking Software

Factors to consider when choosing the best shipment tracking software solution

By Bella YangPublished 3 days ago 6 min read
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In modern logistics management, shipment tracking software has become an indispensable tool for enterprises. It not only improves the efficiency of logistics operations but also enhances customer satisfaction and transparency. Whether it is a small e-commerce business or a large multinational company, choosing the right and best shipment tracking software-tracking software can bring significant competitive advantages to the enterprise. However, with various software emerging in the market with different functions, how to choose the software that best suits their needs has become a major challenge for enterprises. This article will introduce the key factors in choosing shipment tracking software in detail to help enterprises make wise decisions.

Understand the Basic Functions of Shipment Tracking Software

Before choosing the best shipment tracking software, you first need to understand the basic functions that this software should have. These functions are directly related to the company's operational efficiency and customer experience.

Real-Time Tracking

The real-time tracking function allows companies and customers to know the current location and status of goods at any time. This not only reduces the number of calls from customers to inquire about the status of goods but also promptly discovers and handles problems during transportation. Through real-time tracking, companies can provide more transparent services and enhance customer trust.

Multi-Channel Integration

Modern logistics usually involves multiple channels, such as different express companies, warehousing service providers, etc. Excellent shipment tracking software should be able to integrate data from multiple channels and provide a unified tracking view. In this way, companies can easily manage and monitor the transportation of goods through different channels.

Automatic Notification and Update

The automatic notification function can automatically send notifications to customers and internal employees when the status of goods changes, such as goods shipment, arrival at the transfer station, signing, etc. This can reduce manual operations and improve the timeliness and accuracy of information transmission. Customers can also use these notifications to keep abreast of the progress of the transportation of goods and reduce unnecessary worries.

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting and analysis functions can help companies understand various data during transportation, such as transportation time, delays, damage rates, etc. By analyzing this data, companies can identify potential problems, optimize logistics processes, and improve overall operational efficiency. In addition, this data can also provide strong support for companies to make strategic decisions.

Evaluate the Needs of the Company

After understanding the basic functions of shipment tracking software, the next step is to evaluate the needs of the company itself. This step is very important because the logistics needs of different companies vary greatly, and only by choosing the software that best meets their own needs can its role be maximized.

Enterprise Size and Logistics Complexity

The size and logistics complexity of the company directly affects the demand for shipment tracking software. For small companies, simple, easy-to-use, and cost-effective software may be the best choice. For large companies, more powerful functions, higher flexibility, and better scalability are needed to cope with complex logistics networks and high-frequency transportation needs.

Specific Industry Needs

Companies in different industries have different focuses on logistics management. For example, e-commerce companies may pay more attention to the timeliness and customer experience of express delivery, while manufacturing companies may pay more attention to the stability of the supply chain and transportation costs. Therefore, when choosing software, it is necessary to consider its performance and applicability in specific industries.

Improved Customer Service and Experience Needs

Customer service is an important part of corporate competition, and high-quality shipment tracking software can greatly improve customer experience. For example, the automatic notification function provided by the software can reduce customer inquiry calls and improve customer satisfaction. At the same time, real-time tracking functions and transparent shipping information can also enhance customer trust in the company.

By understanding and evaluating the needs of the company in detail, a solid foundation can be laid for choosing the right shipment tracking software.

Integration and Compatibility

When choosing shipment tracking software, integration and compatibility are factors that must be considered. Whether the software can be seamlessly connected with the company's existing systems directly affects its use effect and efficiency.

Compatibility With Existing Systems

Enterprises are usually already using systems such as ERP and CRM for daily management, so shipment tracking software needs to be able to integrate seamlessly with these systems. This can avoid repeated data entry and improve work efficiency. For example, if the company is using the Shopify platform, it will be more convenient to choose software that integrates seamlessly with Shopify.

API and Third-Party Application Support

Modern shipment tracking software usually provides an API interface, allowing companies to customize integration as needed, such as TrackingMore provides 1-7 days of API seamless integration. In addition, supporting the integration of multiple third-party applications can expand the functionality of the software to better meet the special needs of the company. For example, some software supports integration with email marketing tools, customer service platforms, etc., to further enhance the customer experience.

Ease of use and user-friendly interface

The ease of use and user-friendly interface of the software directly affect the work efficiency of employees. Choosing software with a simple interface and easy operation can reduce training time and improve usage efficiency. At the same time, an intuitive operating interface can help employees get started quickly and reduce errors.

Cost and Budget

When choosing shipment tracking software, cost and budget are also important considerations. Different software pricing models vary, and companies need to make reasonable choices based on their budgets and needs.

Pricing Models of Different Software

There are various pricing models for shipment tracking software on the market, including monthly payment, pay-per-use, etc. Companies need to choose the most suitable pricing model based on their frequency of use and scale. Small businesses may be more suitable for a monthly payment model, while large companies may need to choose a pay-per-use model to better control costs.

The Best Choice Within the Budget Range

After determining the budget range, companies need to choose the most comprehensive and cost-effective software within the range. You can try different software versions, compare their functions and effects, and find the most suitable solution.

Evaluate the Cost-Effectiveness Ratio

When choosing shipment tracking software, you should not only consider the price of the software itself but also evaluate the benefits it brings. For example, whether the software can improve transportation efficiency, reduce customer complaints, optimize logistics processes, etc. These benefits are intangible, but they can bring long-term economic benefits to the company.

Security and Data Privacy

When choosing shipment tracking software, security, and data privacy are also factors that must be considered. Enterprises need to ensure that the software provides sufficient security to protect the sensitive information of customers and enterprises.

Data Security Measures

High-quality software should have multi-level data security measures, including data encryption, access control, regular security audits, etc. This can effectively prevent data leakage and unauthorized access, and protect the information security of enterprises and customers.


Different countries and regions have different legal requirements for data privacy, such as GDPR, CCPA, etc. When choosing software, enterprises need to ensure that it complies with relevant laws and regulations to avoid legal risks caused by data compliance issues.

Data Backup and Recovery

The data backup and recovery function can help enterprises quickly restore data in the event of unexpected situations and ensure business continuity. This is also one of the important aspects of evaluating software security.

After-Sales Support and Customer Service

When choosing shipment tracking software, after-sales support and customer service are also important considerations. Good after-sales support can help enterprises solve problems encountered during use and ensure the normal operation of the software.

Technical support from software vendors

When choosing software, companies need to understand the technical support services provided by the vendor, including support phone, email, online chat, response time, and service quality. High-quality technical support can help companies solve problems in a timely manner and reduce business interruptions caused by software failures.

Customer service quality and response time

Good customer service can improve the user experience of the company. Choosing a software vendor that provides fast response and professional services can ensure timely help when encountering problems and reduce unnecessary troubles.


About the Creator

Bella Yang

I Help Your e-commerce Business Grow| Powerful e-commerce Checklist

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    BYWritten by Bella Yang

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