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The National Day of Reason? Or the National Day of Prayer?

Remember the first Thursday of May.

By Carolann SherwoodPublished 6 years ago 6 min read
pixabay.comIs the National Day of Reason to replace the National Day of Prayer?

America Could Lose Their National Day of Prayer

(Originally written in 2014, updated May 2018)

A few months ago on one of the major television news stations, a small note of concern showed up saying, "The National Day of Prayer is now being known as the National Day of Reason." What the heck is the National Day of Reason, originating in 2003? How can they, whoever they are, do this? I must admit I was angered.

'The atheists are at it again,' I thought, through the American Humanist Association and the Secular Coalition of America. These two organizations are trying to erase The National Day of Prayer. They are working to replace the Day of Prayer with a day of reasoning on the first Thursday of every May so that this day can include those who do not believe in prayer or God.

This National Day of Reason leaves a big question in my mind as to what the atheists do on this day. Do they sit and reason things out on this day?

Common sense tells me, on every first Thursday of May; all citizens in America will use common reason and reasoning, finally!

What this is telling me is that all the other days of the year, the remaining 364 days, is used as no-nonsense days, where nothing makes any sense that anyone in the public and government domain does or says.

It seems as though this is where our United States stands today. America no longer remains built on Christian ideals, high morals, and common sense, as it was in the beginning. I agree that America has always had their share of problems, even from the start. However, problems are getting worse.

I believe, as do many other people I know, that the justice system of today has turned itself upside down with ridiculous judgments. Much of what the government and judicial systems does and says these days make little sense. Government officials make no sense. Politicians make no sense.

Yes, I know that many things that the government has said and done in the past have not made too much sense, but things continue to get worse. There are fewer levelheaded people in leadership positions today than there are leaders with good old common sense. It has gotten so that a vast majority of the public does not trust the government anymore.

The United States government is losing the public's respect.

What are our Lawmakers thinking?

A Proclamation!

Democrat Rep. Pete Stark from California has presented the proclamation for the last two years for changing the meaning of "The National Day of Prayer," on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, hoping it will pass this year.

Again, Rep. Stark had said that the United States has too many problems and the way to meet these problems is through the application of reason and not prayer.

Christian people, on the other hand, feel that it takes common sense, and an abundance of continued prayer, to overcome the problems that the United States faces.

I am confident that many Christians would agree that to attain the highest level of wisdom to make these crucial decisions for the United States come good old common sense, coupled with the power of prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

As an example: It is like a passenger on an airplane hoping to get to their destination without a pilot to guide that plane. The pilot has the wisdom and knowledge to make the right decisions to fly the aircraft. A Christian is not going to go anywhere without God in the pilot's seat of their Christian life; it would be like flying blind.

Just because America has one day out of 365 days set aside for the "National Day of Prayer," does not mean that Christians do not pray the other 364 days of the year. Prayer is a big part of the life of a Christian. Prayer reaps sharpened knowledge and wisdom, beyond what the Christian experiences in their daily lives without prayer intervention.

On the other hand, "The National Day of Prayer" is given to Christians in America to ban together and pray for family, friends, strangers, our armed forces, the United States, and anything else that the Christian person believes that need prayer. The remainder of society who are not Christians spends this day doing whatever brings them comfort, regardless of his or her spiritual background.

I do pray the atheists are not able to have this one day of the year set aside for the Christian populace. This one day, "The National Day of Reason," could replace "The National Day of Prayer" if it passes the House of Representatives.

If this proclamation passes the House of Representatives and "The National Day of Prayer" changes to "The National Day of Reason." This change will not stop Christians from praying for everyone. Christians will continue to pray for Atheists, Christian brothers and sisters, our country, and anything that God places in their hearts to pray, including the first Thursday of every May.

Update on the National Day of Reason

Our government did enact "The National Day of Reason," celebrated on the first Thursday of each year. The same day Christians across the United States recognize "The National Day of Prayer."

The National Day of Prayer

The first Thursday of May celebrates the National Day of Prayer & the National Day of Reason.

I believe that the glory of being a United States Citizen is, "To each his or her own." On the first Thursday of May, the American Humanist Association and secular advocates come together to celebrate the National Day of Reason as an alternative to the National Day of Prayer.

Those who gather together for this Day of Reason call this day a companion to the alternative, the Day of Prayer. These groups demand equal recognition from the government. I have no problem with this, as long as the National Day of Prayer remains unchanged.

This group actively feels that everyone who is an atheist and otherwise can embrace a common bond, otherwise known reason and logic.

There are at least five lawmakers, lead by Rep. Jared Huffman to recognize the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Reason.

This National Day of Reason is nothing new as the first Thursday in May was first set aside over 60 years ago in 1953. Most people have never heard about this date until recent years. The Day of Reason is set aside to observe science, logic, reason, rationality, and knowledge.

The American Humanist Association has no disregard for those who wish to celebrate the National Day of Pray, and I have no disdain for those who want to celebrate the National Day of Reason. However, what this group does object to is when the government does not separate the church from the state. Again, I must agree.

This group believes that when reason is employed, this only acts to make our United States better, more improved. I, as a Christian, think that improvements to our country do come with reason, common sense, and prayer as the guiding force.

Final Comments

In my first article, I was angry to think that a group can come in and wipe the National Day of Prayer off of the calendar and replace it with something else.

I have no objections to the American Humanist Association, and secular advocates forming their National Day of Reason if they leave my National Day of Prayer alone, which it looks as if this is what happened.

Meanwhile, I continue to pray for my country, my government, and its leaders, and all people of all religions every day not just on the first Thursday of May. Hopefully, those interested parties which celebrate the National Day of Reason continue to celebrate this observance throughout the year, not just on one day out of the year.

The first Thursday of May remains as the National Day of Prayer as does the National Day of Reason.

Reference Only

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About the Creator

Carolann Sherwood

Professional nurse for over 40 years

Owned a children's daycare, eight years

Owned an upper scale clothing resale shop

A freelance writer

Editor since 2010 on a writing platform site

A published author, "Return To The Past" available on Amazon

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