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Is the Fed Guilty of Fraud?

Give Me Liberty or Give Me a Check for $1200

By matt piepenburgPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Our Liberty and Economy are Cracking

As COVID-19 makes every headline and scares global populations into a literal stasis of forced as well as imposed fear in what many are calling “one great psy-opp,” I can’t help but pause to consider the words of Winston Churchill, namely: “Never waste a good crisis.”

In the special report and link below, I’ll show how DC has co-opted the COVID-19 crisis to their own benefit, and naturally, to the benefit of Wall Street, as the Fed and DC serve Wall Street, not the Main Street economy.

As DC and the Fed rally the bobbleheads of the main stream media into spreading not only COVID-19 awareness but equal amounts of COVID-19 fear in a truly horrific backdrop of a viral pandemic, one needs to pause and consider a few facts before we dive deeper into the real agenda, which I feel, is far more sinister than the virus we all naturally fear.

Stanford University’s top virologist and pandemic expert has crunched the numbers and the death rate of the Coronavirus is factually less than 1%.

This is a debatable and even horrific data point, but for now, it’s also a fairly accurate measurement.

The virus is also highly contagious, equal to the common cold in its insidious ability to spread, especially in dense population areas like New York City, where readers of this post in that zip code would more than agree that this pandemic is real, very real.

Putting the available data into perspective, if one out of every 2 US citizens were to contract COVID-19 (i.e. approximately 165 million individuals), then we could conclude that a 1% death rate would result in 1,650,000 deaths.

Most experts, at least for now, however, have parsed these same percentages more conservatively based upon state-size and actual infection rates, and foresee worst-case fatality numbers to be less than 50,000 by the time this virus peaks, though the White House suggests a possible worse-case scenario of 140,000 to 240,000 eventual deaths.

Again, I'm neither a psychic nor a virologist, so I offer these figures just in order to make a few broad points.

In 2019—there were 39,404 traffic deaths in the US according to the National Safety Council.

The CDC estimates that during the 2019 flu season, upwards of 59,000 deaths were attributed to influenza-related diseases.

Finally, approximately 40,000 die from gun-related deaths each year in the US, and another 40,000 in suicides.

Adding up the annual death rate of traffic deaths, flu-related deaths, suicides and gun-related deaths, we arrive at an approximate annual death toll of 178,404 fatalities per year.

In short, COVID-19 is serious, very serious, and in a worst-case scenario, could plausibly claim the lives of 140,000 to 240,000 US residents--equal to or more than the death toll of traffic, gun and flu-related deaths in the US.

As of this writing, the actual Coronavirus death toll in the US, expected to peak in the coming weeks, stands at 3402--and rising. Naturally, by the time you read this, such figures will have changed.

Without debating the harshness of reducing lives to statistics, let us at least pause and ask ourselves this: Do such figures justify the near total shut down of the US economy and the extreme $6-$10 trillion dollars in emergency debt and stimulus measures now underway in DC to “save America”?

I will not be the final judge, voice or answer to this naturally polarizing question.

Nor am I suggesting that extreme health, economic and safety measures are not required to lessen the impact of COVID-19, as this disease impacts all of us equally when it comes to personal health.

But looking at the health of our liberties and economic future, the impact is far more terrifying than many average Americans may realize right now in the midst of this health crisis.

In the special report and link below, we look at the bald economic implications of the measures being taken by the Fed in real time and argue that there may be an entirely more dangerous set of consequences to our nation than even the health risks imposed by COVID-19.

The level of centralized control now being rolled out by DC over not only our individual freedoms and lives, but over our economy in general, are in fact staggering.

The bald math behind the measures taken, and explained in detail below, reveal nothing less than a literal centralization of our economy and markets that defies not only the basic virtues of democracy, but flaunt every basic element of free-market capitalism.

Yes, these are incendiary observations, but rather than question personal opinions, let’s just look at stubborn facts, for they speak for themselves.

All I ask is that you consider these facts objectively and without political bias, red, blue or poka-dotted.

For more on this dangerous economic backdrop, please read the following report/link: Fed Fraud: Highway to the Danger Zone.

Thanks and stay safe.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

matt piepenburg

Matt is the co-founder to, an online portfolio solution designed to bring the best of Wall Street (or what's left of it) to Main Street investors with blunt-speak simplicity rather than sell-side fantasy.

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