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In the Name of Jesus

All in the Name of Jesus

By Shelly BrooksPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

In the name of Jesus

So many offensive things have been done in his name recently that Christianity is getting a bad reputation. Jenna Ryan starts repeating, “In the name of Jesus” over and over again as she breaches the capital and trespasses along with the other terrorist. Jake Angeli, the QAnon Shaman, trespasses, destroys property, threatens lawmakers then stands on the center desk and leads a prayer on a megaphone. Trump ordered peaceful protesters to be cleared out with tear gas and rubber bullets so he could pose in front of a church waving the bible around upside down. Evangelicals claim that Trump was sent by God all the while treating him as a demigod. These are just a few recent examples of atrocities committed in the Lord’s name. It makes me nauseous, and it gives so many sane educated people an open to demonize Christianity.

The many alternative facts (lies) feed the flames of the angry mob and justify their actions in their small minds. They commit savage acts then dress their crimes up with religion. I often wonder if these terrorists have even cracked open a bible. What is a self-declared Shaman doing leading a Christian prayer anyway?

Trump hasn’t saved any babies, he did however put them in cages. Roe V. Wade is still intact while our actual COVID 19 death toll has reached 400,000 due to inaction. He hasn’t declared war on our enemies, but he let them get away with putting out contracts to kill our soldiers and hacking our computers, interfering with our 2016 election, killing an American journalist, and building a nuclear arsenal. We just spent the last four years as our enemy's bitch.

He is not a righteous man and his policies are as horrific as his lifestyle. His following is not doing God’s work, and the lies are so farfetched I don’t buy the blind faith his supporters have in him. Come on does anyone really believe Democrats are sucking the blood of stolen babies to stay young. We just had our most secure election to date. There was no widespread voter fraud, and they didn’t look at evidence of this in court because there was none to look at. You might have noticed that Rudy Giuliani claimed one thing in public and something entirely different when he went to court because in court you need evidence, you can't just make things up.

People are pissed off right now and for good reason. It is apocalyptic out there. I never understood why a so-called good businessman played down the virus rather than doing everything possible to nip it in the bud. It is killing an American every 30 seconds. It is killing our economy and getting us so far behind in education. He might have even won the election if he had done more to control the virus.

Your flimsy little paper mask do a great deal to prevent the spread, and if you don’t believe me try turning your kitchen sink on full blast then place one of your paper masks a few inches below the flowing water. Watch closely as nothing gets through. Then do the math. If a full spray from the kitchen sink isn’t getting through, then neither are the tiny particles that exit your mouth when you speak. Wearing a mask does not make you weak. Wearing a mask means you're doing your part to stop the spread of the virus so we can get the hell on with our lives.

Nobody is pushing false information on the virus to frighten you into getting the vaccine so that they may make millions on the cure. And they especially have no interest in chipping you so they can follow your every move. Unless you are a master criminal or super spy You’re really not that interesting.

I’ve have always been told a man that lies about the little things cannot be trusted to tell the truth about the important things. Trump is a habitual liar that doesn't know how to tell the truth. In fact, he believes that if you repeat a lie enough times it makes it true or at least people will believe it. He started his presidency off with a lie. The head count at his inauguration was abysmal, yet he repeatedly announced that he had the biggest turnout of all time.

Now due to his leading an attack on the capitol days before Biden’s inauguration, along with his inaction on a runaway pandemic, Biden cannot have a normal signing in. For the first time in our history there won’t be a peaceful transfer of power. Trump has done everything he can to destroy our historic democratic republic, and he has ripped the Republican party in two.

Inmates are running the Asylum now. Conspiracy theorist, domestic terrorists and complete wing nuts have infiltrated the Republican party and have set out to lead our country into anarchy all “In the name of Jesus” As a true believer I digress, and don’t think Jesus would be very pleased with anything going on here. Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick and communed with the sinners. One of these days someone will be committing another offence against humanity in the name of Jesus and God will strike them down publicly and in an obvious way like multiple strikes of lightening followed by ominous dark clouds and rolling thunder. When this happens, I do hope supporters catch it all on their iPhone to share on their YouTube channels.


About the Creator

Shelly Brooks

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