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I Didn't Do It. It Was a Big Boy Who Ran Away.

Take responsibility for something.

By Michael BlairPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

If blame can be moved away from the perpetrator, then they cannot be held accountable.

That is the mantra according to the cult of Trump.

His main aim is to be the centre of attention, but only if it makes him look good and statesman like.

So far he has not behaved like a statesman, but more and more like a spoiled child, told he isn't getting ice cream.

His spokesperson has lied repeatedly on his behalf and made herself look like someone who couldn't be trusted to go shopping on her own, without lying about why she hasn't bought what was wanted.

Remember, she is speaking on behalf of the most powerful political leader in the world. Everything she says is attributed to President Trump, so her words cannot be dismissed as the folly of a flustered lackey.

Alternative facts are lies. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Something happened in a certain way, and because most of the world see what happened, it's spectacularly stupid to attempt to change it to their own version of reality.

Unfortunately, most of President Donald Trump's most rabid supporters believe these "alternative facts."

This is very puzzling and shows just how completely brainwashed these people have become.

They appear to believe every utterance from this deluded administration and especially Donald Trump.

When this kind of mass hysteria takes place, reality is suspended and a fantasy installed.

This particular fantasy involves the idea that every word from the Presidential mouth is a particular pearl of wisdom.

If he says, "America will be great again," then that is what is believed.

He has tried to circumvent the constitution of the USA on more than one occasion.

It is as if he thinks he is the sole ruler of the country, and everyone has to do what he says, or they are enemies of the state.

This is ridiculous. Surely he knew before he became President, what making decisions entailed?

Didn't he knows why it was written in the first place?

There are many checks and balances to make sure someone like Donald Trump couldn't become a dictator and take over the country.

He appeared to have no idea why a "so-called" Federal judge, could stop his deeply unpleasant and unconstitutional ban on people from seven mainly Muslim countries in the Middle East.

His advisors seem to have been equally uninformed and ignorant of what can be done as President, and what cannot be done.

The fallout from this disgraceful contempt for his own country's constitution, is going to go on for a long time. He is still insisting the court judgements are political, which is utterly ridiculous!

These judges are upholding the constitution and nothing more.

If he takes this dog's breakfast of an Executive Order to the Supreme Court, these senior judges are not going to be happy that he questioned the neutrality of the previous judges.

This ban was supposedly to make America safer, but it was brought in to punish mainly countries on solely religious grounds.

If he has any interest in keeping his country safe, he should also have banned all citizens from Saudi Arabia, as they supplied the majority of the 9/11 terrorists.

Or another way of keeping America safe would be dealing with the huge number of firearms in the possession of his core support!

Some of these people are extremely dangerous and would happily lead an armed takeover of the government.

I can only imagine Trump would encourage that kind of danger, because it would suit his twisted agenda.

All in all, the first few weeks of the Trump administration has been a mixture of insanity gone mad, and fantasy schoolboy level political decisions.

I despair for the United States under these delusional people, but I don't think that the people who hold the real power, will tolerate what is happening, given the fact that Russia appear to be involved with Trump's lunatic activities.

The next few weeks will be very interesting indeed.

On 10 Feb 2017 2:36 p.m., I wrote this on the date shown. I forgot I had written it until I fell over it by chance.

new world orderpoliticianspoliticstrumppresident

About the Creator

Michael Blair

I'm a medically retired grumpy Scotsman with a good sense of the ridiculous. I write some political satire and some more serious pieces. I'm here to wake people up!

On twitter I'm @mmjblair and email me at [email protected]

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    Michael BlairWritten by Michael Blair

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