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African leaders use homosexuals to distract from how horrible of job their doing to develop their countries

Much like the US created race to keep the focus on division while the rich horde most of the wealth in America & slow progress

By IwriteMywrongsPublished about a year ago 3 min read
African leaders use homosexuals to distract from how horrible of job their doing to develop their countries
Photo by James Wiseman on Unsplash

Homosexuals are used in 2023 as a means to distract from all the ills in African countries. Several African leaders who have seized power for multiple years and undermine the democratic process use several means to distract their citizens. Religion and homosexuality are their biggest go to sources to distract from their leadership fails.

How else do you unite people but to give them something else to hate besides your useless leadership and poor policies. Over the years hatred has been used as a way to distract the easily distracted from coming after leadership.

The United States of America used skin color as a way to distract the poor from attacking the wealthy. The use of race was the biggest distraction in the history of man, instead of classufying people by their wealth or standing in society like the British caste system.

America pinned poor white people against poor Blacks and in the 21st century it keeps White Americans distracted from the poor policies and leadership in the United States. Where old, outdated men and women hold offices for 20 to 30 years, never making progress.

In the United States rights for non-whites are still behind and lacking. Even worse for the lives of the Native Americans who's land the United States is built on.

The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and numerous other Black men and women at the hands of the police have prompted demonstrations across the country and brought more attention to racial inequality. Since the 1970s, GAO has provided Congress with analysis of racial inequalities in several areas. This is a broad look at the challenges minorities continue to face in the nation.

After the passage of various civil rights laws in the 1960s, the nation began the process of desegregating its schools. We reported to Congress in 1973 that over 558 public schools in 3 years permanently closed for desegregation reasons. In 1991, we testified that continued efforts to desegregate public schools would make little progress if schools were allowed to illegally practice resegregation by placing minorities in lower-ability classes and special education programs.

We issued our first report on the Voting Rights Act in 1978. Although the law was instrumental in dramatically increasing Black voter registration, particularly in the southern United States, only 1% of all the nation’s elected officials were Black.

Source: GAO

Source @SpireJom on Twitter




Human Rights

Freedom of Speech and Journalism

Gender Equality

Children's Rights



Technology, Wifi, Computers

Democracy - Leadership

Basic Freedoms

Economic Growth

Racism, Colorism, Tribalism, Xenophobia, Classism

Religion and Religious Freedom

Sexism, Inequality

Education, litteracy

Parks and Recreation

Child Marriages

Rape, Sexual Assaults, Defilement

Child Marriages

Pregnancy, STI's STD's HIV

Medical Care, Mental Health, Suicide

Social Services, Humanity

From Rightify Ghana's Twitter Account

There are almost a hundred issues that can use the attention of African leaders. Instead homosexuality which is already outlawed in many countries yet always the topic.

What way can leadership use to distract their citizens when most of them are already Black skinned? When most of their suffering is from poverty and poor education?

Tweet from Twitter Kenyan MP

Religion and their bigotry is the way to united Muslims and Christians to distract them from useless leadership. As the two religions remain the main strongholds from colonization. Africans hold onto the forced relgions of their colonizers.

They're also holding onto their imported homophobia as the former colonizers embrace homosexuality and live in more developed countries that Africans are dying to immigrate to. Where development is more advanced even though African countries are wealhier with their many natural resources.

Polygamy and forced polygamy are common practice in many of these African countries that claim to be the moral leaders of the world. Gender based violence is also common practice, while girls are used for sex and marriage according to their morality.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey's House efforts in Gender Equality & Children's Rights as it tries to move international.

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legislationwomen in politicstraveltechnologysupreme courtpoliticspoliticianscorruptioncontroversiescongressactivism

About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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