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A 13 Year Old's Political Perspective

By J.Z - 13 yo

By JZPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Goodbye Mr. Trump

In mere honesty, I don’t know much about Trump’s presidency. After all, I’m only a kid. That’s reasonable, right? But from a few sources, being the news, the internet, and my family's point of view, I think I’ve come up with a solid opinion about our 45th president. This, I think, is a very popular opinion, too.

Now let’s take a walk.

Donald Trump. He says things that he knows will aggravate people, and he knows that they aren’t true themselves. He tweeted, ‘Global Warming is an expensive little hoax.’

Up until that point, I had no idea someone could be so wrong and delirious but believe that they are 100% correct. I guess I was wrong, too. Californians have lost their homes, loved ones, relatives, belongings, treasures, and generally their whole lives due to this ‘expensive hoax’ known as the California bushfires.

If global warming isn’t a thing, then my whole life is a lie, and all my elementary school teachers were right all along. Antarctica is literally melting day after day! On the icebergs surface, warm air melts snow and ice into pools called melt ponds. If the California’s pain and suffering can’t convince Trump that global warming exists, maybe science can, too, right?


So, very wrong.

With all these global issues going on, Trump must accept that, being that he’s literally the president of the United States of America. He’s the leader of a nation, and within that nation are problems that he must attend to. Like Global Warming. But he denies its existence. There’s no way someone can turn a blind eye like that. It just astonishes me how someone can be so ignorant to the point where he lies to people.

Then there’s the fact that he lost the election and then refused to accept the results, or his responsibility for losing. After being crushed in the election, after Biden ripping Trump’s undeserved second term from his hands, Trump had the audacity to say that the election was rigged and that they miscounted the votes. He also thought it would be just fine to insult Biden.

That, in my opinion, is probably the lowest you can go, diminishing your opponent’s reputation by spouting hurtful nonsense; it just seems immoral.

There are also several things that Trump has done that our nation wasn’t so hot about. For example, he stopped the distribution of Covid vaccinations leaving 22 million Americans without immunity. He also didn’t think masks were necessary, and he pardoned war criminals. And, these are just a few things I got from a tad bit of research.

Again, I’m just a kid. Take my crap or leave it. I won’t argue with your position. I’m just stating mine. There are things that I believe in, even though my life is just getting started. I have opinions, preferences and ideas, just like anyone else.

There are things that get to me. There are things that make me happy. But I also think of other people, you know. Just like everybody else.

Empathy is what this is called. A trait all people should have, especially someone whose job is to lead a nation, guide them in the right direction, support them, have them depend on you, and dedicate your work to their everyday well-being.

And when I say this, I mean, when there’s a problem, Donald Trump, our 45th president of the United States of America, should at least attempt to help.

Like, when a global catastrophe is occurring, when the icebergs are melting, gases emitting, the world bursting in flames, Trump should at least try to help.

Instead of, y’know, tweeting on a public social media platform that said issue is fake. It is not.

So, Donald Trump, I simply have a few words for you:

Not “Global Warming.”

Not “See ya’ later.”

But simply, “Goodbye, Donald.”


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