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5 Small Changes to Reduce Your Eco Footprint

Here are the steps you can take towards a better future.

By Tobias GillotPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

When it comes to supporting the environment, every individual plays a unique role in reducing their carbon footprint. Overhauling your lifestyle may seem intimidating, but there are some small steps you can take to live a greener life. These steps will add up over time and influence others to do the same.

The following are some easy changes that you can make in your daily life in order to live an environmentally conscious life. While you don’t have to make every change overnight, you can add in these habits one by one until they become second nature.

Buy more items used

The production cycles of everyday items might have more of an impact than you realize. This is especially true for fast fashion and other cheaply made household goods. Many companies use wasteful practices, toxic chemicals, and unethical labor practices when creating their products. Fortunately, you can vote with your dollar and break this consumption cycle. Head to thrift stores to buy clothing, skip new outdoor equipment for used, and buy housewares at garage sales. You will find higher quality and unique items while also helping the environment.

Dispose of waste properly

Improving your own waste management can reduce the number of items that end up in landfills. Learn more about your local recycling program and what your municipality accepts. You can also responsibly dispose of food waste through home composting or a local composting program. It’s also helpful to dispose of items like cooking oil through used cooking oil collection programs. By finding more conscious ways to recycle and dispose of items, you can reduce the amount of waste that you actually produce.

Eat less meat

Greenhouse gasses created by meat production are some of the biggest contributors to climate change. So, you can drastically reduce your own carbon footprint by eating no to little meat. Red meat in particular is a significant culprit, since it requires more water and produces more emissions. If you are in the habit of eating meat with most of your meals, find creative ways to add more plant based protein into your day.

Drive less

It’s no secret that transportation is a significant producer of carbon dioxide, adding to the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. While we can’t eliminate our need to get around, you can reduce your own impact by driving less. Opt for public transportation services like busses and trains when possible. Even better, walk or ride a bike whenever you can. These alternatives will help you get where you need to go, and you can carry a bit less guilt when you do need to use your car.

Make your home more efficient

Not everyone has the means to transform their homes into an eco-friendly haven. However, there are some steps you can take to make your home more energy efficient. Make sure your windows are sealed, close the curtains instead of turning on your air conditioning, wash your clothes in cold water, and unplug any appliances you aren’t using. Switch out all of your light bulbs for LED models, hang your clothes out to dry, and turn down the water temperature in your shower. While it might take some adjustments, these habits can become second nature for you and your family.

Once you make one small change in your daily routine, you will realize how easy it is to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Eventually, you can shift all of your habits towards sustainability—and encourage others to do the same. Just be sure to constantly learn and accept responsibility for your actions. Over time, you won’t even have to think about being more conscious. You will just do it.


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