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2024 Why A Harris-Buttigieg Ticket Would Win

Two Democratic Juggernaut who could win

By Jacob L Dyke Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Image from Vanity Fair “no copyright infringement is intended”

Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of Transport Pete Buttigieg are the two front runners in what might be a contested primary in 2024.President Joe Biden is 78 and is the oldest president in American History and would be 82 if he runs again in 2024.He is not likely to do so due to his age where a much younger republican opponent e.g. Senator Josh Hawley or Senator Tom Cotton could make it a big issues of the campaign.

They will be opponents to start with as both believing they have one of the better shots at winning due to their time in the Biden Administration. Harris will campaign on her time as the first women vice president and her time in the Biden administration. Pete Buttigieg is the first millennial Secretary and first confirmed LGBTQ+ Cabinet Secretary and Would Campaign on Fixing America Infrastructure and Roads. Harris has a higher chance of winning due to being second in command and can campaign of on stopping the pandemic and building back better on are economy and other national issues. Buttigieg will do well with the Auto Industry due to his role as secretary of transport. Harris will probably be more funded then Buttigieg due to be President Biden Second In command and is more familiar with Biden Donors than Buttigieg. They are a lot younger than Biden, Harris would be 60 and buttigieg 43 in 2024 and Buttigieg would turn 44 the day before the swearing in. Buttigieg would be one of the youngest President or Vice presidents in Americas History. However he will probably be Vice president due to Harris is already the favoured for the nomination but let me explain why there would be a great ticket together.

Harris and her husband Doug are actually really good friends with Pete and Chasten Buttigieg and the first thing people look for in vice-president is loyalty and friendship e.g. Al Gore in 1992 and Joe Biden in 2008.Pete is LGBTQ+ and is a millennial which could bring more independent young voters to the Democrats and is also from the Midwest and can put states like Indiana and Ohio more in play for the Democrats since 2008.Harris is African American but is also tough on crime this is seen in her record serving as California attorney general. This could put the south more into play for Democrats like we saw in 2020 with a smaller trump win in North Carolina and a Biden victory in Georgia. Harris lacks a youth vote and Buttigieg brings that to the table, Buttigieg is more liberal than Harris this would be liked by the liberals in the Democratic Party. It would be a historic ticket as it would have the first African American leading a national ticket and a LGBTQ+ vice president nominee. They would face backlash from Evangelist and Conservatives due to the historical nominee. They would campaign on a successful Administration and would be the favours to win in 2024 anyway despite what a republican ticket could look like. Imagine a Harris-Buttigieg ticket, and not only what a wealth of poise they would be great due to the amount of knowledge coming from them. Buttigieg is smart graduating both Harvard and Oxford and Harris Howard university and the university of California and due to this can keep college graduated people in the party but at the same time can bring non college graduated people to vote for them due there upbringings and buttigieg being from the Midwest.

I believe the ticket could get anywhere between 239 electors and 416 electors winning or losing most of the south and could expand Biden electoral victory or could lose to the republican nominee. But we need to see what happens first because 2024 is only a few years away and the campaigners are already gearing up but if the 2022 midterms help or hinder Democrats than maybe they might be a different outcome we will see.


About the Creator

Jacob L Dyke

Teenagers who is a Uk and USA poltical junkie with an aim to either go to Uni In America or Uni of Birmingham with the hope to become a US Senator or Secretary of State for Education

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